179858_135409829857940_8332681_nTHE COMPASSION OF MASTERS*** I HAVE HEARD about a very great Zen Master who had become very old and almost blind at the age of ninety-six, and he was no longer able to teach or work about the monastery. Yamamoto was his name. THE OLD MAN THEN DECIDED IT WAS TIME TO DIE because he was of no use to anybody. He could not be of any help, so he stopped eating. When asked by his monks why he refused his food, he replied that he had outlived his usefulness and was only a bother to everybody. They told him, “If you die now” — it was January — “when it is so cold, everybody will be uncomfortable at your funeral and you will be an even greater nuisance. So please eat!” This can happen only in a Zen monastery, because disciples love the Master so deeply — their respect is so deep that there is no need for any formality. Just see what they are saying: they are saying, “If you die now and it is January, see… It is so cold, everybody will be uncomfortable at the funeral and you will be an even greater nuisance! So please eat!” He thereupon resumed eating. But when it became warm again, he stopped, and not long after quietly toppled over and died. SUCH COMPASSION! One lives, then for compassion, one dies, then for compassion. One is even ready to choose a right time to die, so that nobody is bothered and one need not be a nuisance.

I feel immensely grateful

DSCN1526I feel immensely grateful to have shared so many delightful and touching experiences, to have watched not only myself  and all these friends, & children  going through the most extraordinary transformation and healing. Explaining  Reiki  and meditation can transform your life is now my daily effort.

Being against techniques is simply a technique.

LotusHandsBeing against techniques is simply a technique. Not only Krishnamurti is using that technique, it has been used many times before. It is one of the oldest techniques, nothing is new about it. Two thousand years ago Bodhidharma used it. He introduced into China what is now known as Chan or Zen-Buddhism. He was a Hindu monk, a monk from India. He believed in no-technique. Zen is based on no-technique. Zen masters say that if you do something you will miss, because who will do? You? You are the disease, and out of you, nothing else can be born. Who will make the effort? Your mind, and your mind have to be destroyed – and you cannot destroy the mind itself with help from the mind. Whatsoever you do, your mind will be more strengthened. So Zen says there is no technique, no method, there is no scripture and there can be no guru. But the beauty is that Zen has created the greatest of gurus and Zen masters have written the best scriptures in the world. And through Zen thousands and thousands of people attained nirvana – but they say there is no technique. So it has to be understood that no-technique is really one of the foundational techniques. The emphasis is on ”no” so that your mind is negated. Mind can have two attitudes – yes or no. These are the two possibilities, the two alternatives, just as they are in everything. No is the feminine and yes is the male. So you can use the method of no, or you can use the method of yes. If you follow the method of yes, then there are many methods – but you have to say yes and there can be many yes’s. If you follow no, then there are not many methods, only one, because there cannot be many no’s. OSHO

I teach you to be happy

943339_370683873035462_416785404_nI teach you to be happy. I don’t teach you to make others happy. In your happiness, if there is some truth, some vitality, it will spread – it will help others also to be happy…

People can be happy only in one away – there are not two ways – if they are authentically themselves. Then the springs of happiness start flowing; they become more alive, they become a joy to see, a joy to be with, they are a song, they are a dance, but they are not dancing for anybody’s approval, nor for anybody’s appreciation; they are dancing out of their own abundance of happiness, out of their own joy.


If you love a woman

female_friendsIf you love a woman, live with her — out of sheer love, out of sheer joy — But you don’t become her husband, you can’t. You don’t become a wife. To become a “wife” or a “husband” is ugly because it brings ownership; Then the other is reduced to property. The new commune is going to be non possessive, Full of love — living in love but with no possessiveness at all. OSHO

Respectful to women

female-entrepreneursEvery man should be respectful to women: they are your mothers, they are your beloveds. Every woman should be respectful towards men: they are your children, they are your lovers. There is no question of any conflict between man and woman: they are two sides of the same coin.  Osho