Osho Meditation and Multiversity Center of California

Osho Meditation and Multiversity Center of California

MY APPROACH IS TOTAL. I don’t teach you to choose. I simply say: whatsoever is the case, THE INTELLIGENT PERSON WILL MAKE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL out of it. The unintelligent person suffers. If he has money he suffers because money brings worries; he does not enjoy the music that money can bring, the dance that money can bring, the painting. If he has money, he does not go to the Himalayas for a rest, to meditate and to sing and to shout in the valleys and to talk with the stars. He worries, loses his sleep, loses his appetite — he chooses the wrong when he has money. And this man, if somehow he becomes poor, by God’s grace if he becomes poor, then he suffers poverty. Then he is continuously worried that “I don’t have this and I don’t have that.” You have POVERTY! Enjoy it!


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