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Autumn Equinox Ceremony: Meditation & Healing
September 24, 2016 @ 4:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Osho meditation Center & Multiversity
~Present ~
Very Unique event
Circle of Light & Equinox Ceremony
We Combine together the circle of light ~
Calling All Light Workers!!
The Autumn Equinox marks the beginning of Fall. It is a time when that which was sown comes to fruition. It is a time of harvest, a time of gathering together, a time of gratitude & celebration.
The energy during a Solstice or Equinox is powerful and becoming more and more powerful with each passing season.
We will use the energy of this most auspicious, this most propitious time to release those things which no longer serve us, and to call forth those things that we ask for; for ourselves, for those we love & care about, and for the world.
We will gather as Light Workers, to create a sacred space that will allow magic & miracles to flourish. We will engage in the Ritual of Release and the Ritual of Receiving.
We will set the tone with the help of a large crystal singing bowl. We will utilize the power of Light & Color from an Aura Soma Light Pen to help heal and activate our energy centers. And we will utilize the power of aroma to clean and balance our energies with the use of exotic essential oils.
And, we will Dream. We will Dream a new world; a world of Love, Peace, & Harmony. We will Dream a Dream for the Earth, to help heal that which needs healing.
Wherever two or more are gathered….the energy grows exponentially. So come, let us gather together on this most powerful day for a time of meditation, ceremony and celebration.
Wherever two or more are gathered….the energy grows exponentially. So come, let us gather together on this most powerful day for a time of meditation, ceremony and celebration.
The Circle of Light people come together to give and receive healing energy using gentle touch. The word circle is used particularly because there is no one individual greater than another in the group.
All that exists is unconditional Love, both given and received. So imagine being enveloped in unconditional Love a Love that demands nothing from you, only an allowing of its energy to work its magic. So allow yourself to experience the wonder and beauty of being held in unconditional Love. It not only changes your life, it changes the We have a circle of amazing people that come together to meditate and focus our energies on new beginnings.
We will use this energy, combined with unconditional Love to “fertilize” our dreams, goals and intentions so they may grow and bear fruit.
And, to make the evening even more powerful, we will use the healing properties of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to bring about deep relaxation and stress reduction, as well as the pure tones of crystal singing bowls to balance and center our being while at the same time increasing our vibration.
Zaki will do guide meditation deepen your silence in meditation, for healing, to be more relaxed and playful amid the speed and tension of the market place … or in a creative way that is uniquely yours. The possibilities are unlimited and it is a wonderful tool to learn.
The guide meditation presentation offers a unique combination of soft hypnosis and meditation.
It is created especially to enhance and deepen our capacity to relax and let-go. In this striking relaxation something happens inside us, a new opening comes on its own, bringing clarity, new insight and deep inner peace.
For many, this opening is the first taste of something real, our birthright.
Prem Anando & Dhyan Zaki De Luca this weekend will present a event that’s an experimental journey. Visualized meditations and (breathing), tunnel fork,Crystal Singing Bowls, healing.
Pure Crystal Singing Bowls
With their resonant, pure-tone frequencies, and the innate properties of crystal, to amplify, transmit and store energy, these exquisite instruments are powerful tools which can be used to enhance meditation and prayer and to support healing. When combined with mantra and prayerful intention, crystal singing bowls can help entrain mind, body and spirit to a more harmonious experience of peace, well-being and balance.
Here are answers to a few common questions about these beautiful instruments.
The crystal bowls played on All Is Forgiven are made of pure quartz crystal that has been infused with precious minerals, metals and elements. These bowls are smaller and lighter than the traditional classic frosted crystal singing bowls and have a more penetrating, resonant ring that is rich in musical overtones. Energetically, these alchemical bowls help entrain us to higher, more refined, vibratory frequencies.
Vibrational Sound Healing Meditation – Experience Sonic Bliss, Stress Relief, & Transformation with the Sound of Crystal and Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls. This sound healing experience will be part of evening meditation. g
Sound healing practices have brought well-being and harmony to people for thousands of years. Our bodies and energy systems respond to sound & light wave frequencies. Crystal has been used to receive and transmit energy and frequencies in numerous cultures, and the sounds of crystal and metal singing bowls are natural aids for meditation and relaxation. The singing bowls are also used to help clear tension from our energy fields and balance the chakras – the subtle energy centers that distribute our life force. In modern times the benefits of sound therapies have been identified for people with a variety of mental health difficulties as well as for people experiencing pain and serious illnesses. Scientists have even discovered that our DNA and the cells in our body use both sound and light to communicate and transfer information. Tibetan/Himalayan bowls are made from several metals and have been used for many centuries by monks to foster meditation and to aid in healing. The bowls can be rung like a bell or gong or played along the rim to create a “singing” sound. Crystal bowls can also be rung or made to “sing” by playing their rim – they are made from pure quartz crystal and come in a variety of sizes, from 5 or 6 inches in diameter to 24 or more inches in diameter – an entire room can vibrate with the sound of one of these bowls! Each bowl has a primary musical tone along with many additional overtones that wash through you like cleansing waves. Come join for this sacred gathering to experience these powerful sound tools as participants experience these amazing sounds facilitating meditation and healing.Uses tuning forks and both metal and crystal singing bowls to assist with vibrational healing. These tools, combined with healing energy and intention, are wonderful resources for helping shift one’s energy into a more balanced state. Pictured below are examples of how metal and crystal bowls appear. – there are a wide variety of designs and sizes for these bowls. Crystal bowls can be clear, frosted white, or contain special properties such as rose quartz, gold, and other special infusions. Anando uses clear and frosted quartz bowls as well as Himalayan singing bowls, which are often called Tibetan bowls. The metal Himalayan bowls are made from several metals which have been associated with the energies of the planets, Sun, and Moon. These bowls can be rung or played along the rim to create a “singing” effect which helps shift brainwaves and is great for relaxation and meditation.
Join us for- One day Retreat:- release your tension and stress- feel love and peace within-enjoy life!
Sending you boundless love and peace, this very special meditation, as we lovingly honor the Light. Experience the bliss of Meditation.
Sending you boundless love and peace.
Wear comfortable clothing.
Please don`t wear any perfume
Snacks, cookie, water is provided
Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.
If somebody can’t make it, please take you name off, call or email let me know. Please don`t forget.
[email protected]