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August 17, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Do you have Anger Management issues? Have you been told you are a bit aggressive or hot headed? Is your temper hijacking the life you want? Do you find yourself in seemingly endless cycles of conflict with others? Is your anger costing you relationships, health and/or money? If appropriate anger expression or dealing with unresolved anger is a problem for you, a this workshop can help.
Sometimes anger, resentment, jealousy, and aggressive impulses seem to dominate our lives. Frequent anger outbursts can cost us our health, our most valued relationships, or even a job.
For some of us anger is the primary way we express ourselves in an attempt to get our needs met. Feelings of frustration, annoyance, hurt, shame, helplessness, or disappointment may arise frequently, followed by quick, often loud or aggressive reactions.
When you’ve had a really bad day or things aren’t going as expected, and someone “pushes your buttons” you may find yourself raising your voice, becoming aggressive, hostile, even destructive. Your anger may sometimes surprise you as you come face to face with a part of yourself that acts out of control. And, later there are “messes to clean up:” hurt feelings, damaged relationships, or even destroyed property.
What may feel like simply expressing yourself can cause others to shut down, turn away or become aggressive in return. At a STAR retreat you can learn to control your anger before it controls you. In a safe and caring environment you will turn your anger problem and dealing with unresolved anger into appropriate anger expression. You will find your center and get back on track.
Anger is a completely normal emotion. It is a natural adaptive response to threats that allows us to protect and defend ourselves and those we care about. Anger often rises when we have an expectation that is not met, when we feel threatened in some way.
The issue is not anger itself but how we express it. Some of us act out our anger, while others “act in.” Some of us become upset, even furious, and act out while others retreat, shut down and wall themselves off. They may then handle the big feelings by ultimately harming themselves instead of others. Such behaviors as eating for comfort, using alcohol or other substances, or acting passive aggressive become a way out. Both those who act in and act out may become sensitive to reading the cues of others, obsess about small details and become extremely self-critical. Whether your anger problem is acting out on others or turning it in on yourself, a STAR retreat can help you turn your unresolved anger into confident, appropriate self-expression that helps you have the relationships and the life you want.
Although anger is a natural part of life, unfortunately, our culture doesn’t teach us healthy ways of expressing our feelings, especially anger. Children are often taught to repress their negative feelings and often withdraw and feel helpless, like victims. Consequently they are unable to speak up for themselves and may not recognize that they have anger management issues. Or, children act out their frustrations but are never really heard, understood or given appropriate guidance to deal with their unresolved anger.
When victimized by abuse and neglect, children often repeat the pattern. Parents and other caregivers often not only judge, shame, and criticize children but they fail to model or teach healthy ways of expressing emotions. Because of these intense experiences, children grow into adults with unresolved anger who act-out. These anger issues lead to internal chatter that is forever judging and criticizing. This lack of self-compassion contributes to continual internal pain. Eventually, this pain is used not only to hurt themselves, but also to hurt others.
In our STAR workshop we teach healthy ways to harness negative emotions and energy and to appropriately express anger without harming self or others. We teach participants to use their feelings to gain greater empowerment in order to heal themselves. During a worshop we uncover the original wounds that became an anger problem and created the destructive, emotional patterns. We help participants reclaim those repressed parts of themselves that were hidden when they lacked the understanding and ability to effectively cope with negative and abusive situations.
We provide a safe, supportive environment where self-expression occurs naturally. There is a freedom to rediscover your innate ability to play, to grow and experience genuine compassion for yourself and others. Here you can disengage from rage and find forgiveness and self-love.
Relationships. The first signal of an anger problem or that you might benefit from an anger management group comes from examining relationships. Do your reactions cause flare-ups in relationships and/or frighten those you care about? Perhaps your expressions cause others to go away or fight back creating difficulties in sustaining loving relationships. Does intimacy or your sex life suffer? Do you tend to extra-marital affairs?
Work relationships and/or career difficulties. Have you missed promotions, failed to make the grade with colleagues and/or even lost jobs because of how you handle your temper? Has your anger cost you money? Have you become a workaholic?
Health issues. Does the stress of your anger have painful effects, such as headaches or backaches, or create unhealthy habits such as alcohol or drug addiction? Do you have trouble sleeping or experience high blood pressure, anxiety or depression?
Loss of sense of self. Do you often feel numb or that you’re getting nowhere? Do you long for a spark of life or creative expression you may have once had?
We invite you to make yourself a priority. Nurture yourself with a workshop and make your anger management issues a thing of the past. Here you will feel supported to find appropriate anger expression and deal with unresolved anger. You will have the opportunity to return home to heal relationships and pursue a healthy, satisfying life.
Anger Management
Is your temper hijacking your life? These tips and techniques can help you get anger under control and express your feelings in healthier ways.
Road rage man
Understanding anger
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, neither good nor bad. Like any emotion, it conveys a message, telling you that a situation is upsetting, unjust, or threatening. If your knee-jerk reaction to anger is to explode, however, that message never has a chance to be conveyed. So, while it’s perfectly normal to feel angry when you’ve been mistreated or wronged, anger becomes a problem when you express it in a way that harms yourself or others.
You might think that venting your anger is healthy, that the people around you are too sensitive, that your anger is justified, or that you need to show your fury to get respect. But the truth is that anger is much more likely to have a negative impact on the way people see you, impair your judgment, and get in the way of success.
Anger Management
Do small things irritate you?
Are you grumpy all of the time?
Do you think the world is out to get you?
Do your friends or family say that you overreact to situations?
If you answered “Yes!” to any of these
questions, then you need this workshop!
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What is Anger?
Anger is a completely normal, usually
healthy emotion. However, if it gets out of
control and becomes destructive, then it
can cause problems at work, at home, and in
the overall quality of your life.
If you allow anger to control you, then it
makes you feel as if you are at the mercy of
a powerful, unpredictable force.
The Nature of Anger
Anger can vary in intensity from mild irritation to intense
fury and rage.
It causes physiological and biological changes such as
increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and
increased levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline and
It can be caused by external and internal events. You could
be angry at a specific person or an event (such as a traffic
jam); perhaps anger could arise from worrying or brooding
about your personal problems. Memories of traumatic or
enraging events can also cause feelings of anger.
Expressing Anger
The natural, instinctive way to express anger
is to respond with aggression, which allows
us to respond to threats and to defend
ourselves when needed. In other words, we
kick into survival mode automatically when
However, there are some healthier ways of
dealing with anger. Let’s look at them:
Expressing Anger
Three main approaches to dealing with
anger are expressing, suppressing, and
Expressing anger in an assertive manner is
the healthiest way. It allows for
compromise between two parties. You
are able to express your needs without
being pushy or demanding and without
hurting others.
Expressing Anger
Anger can also be suppressed, and then
converted or redirected. The purpose here is
to hold in the anger, stop thinking about it, and
redirect the feelings into something more
positive. Be careful, though, because anger that
is not expressed outwardly can turn inward.
Anger turned inward is called depression. In
other words, you turn the anger toward
yourself when you don’t properly handle it
otherwise. This can also cause high blood
pressure and muscle tension and pain.
Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. Her educational background includes university degrees in Psychology,
She works individually with people, leads groups, trainings and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She has training in many
therapeutic approaches including Bio-Energetics, Hypnosis, breath work, Primal, Experiencing Trauma Therapy Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator.
Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining beautiful and powerful life, work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by his enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, humor.
Zaki has her own way of presenting this new and revolutionary method for heightening awareness, off-loading the wound-ego, or pain-body, or not-self – whatever you want to call it – and relaxing into one’s own skin. She is a teacher whose extensive back ground in meditation, therapy and metaphysics, and her own unique comprehensive nature (she’s a Reflector, who are just 1% of people) let her make the space for you to have an experience of yourself – not just take on more intellectual learning.
She’s a human tin-opener, a revolving sprinkler, and if you’re lucky and get to come to any of her groups, you’ll be doused by friendly, authoritative wisdom so juicy and true that you’ll never be the same again. And you’ll come away with tools you can use in your daily life to continue the process of unmasking your essence and letting go what isn’t you.
Zaki holds 10 Master-Teacher titles in five different types of Reiki:
Zaki facilitates Osho Active Meditation classes, Shamanic Tarot, groups and retreats, and Reiki class. She has lived and studied in Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany and Thailand, seeking out the masters of energy healing. Zaki also has led workshops and healing groups in Germany for the last 25 years. She is the founder of the OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California. She is an excellent model of what a ‘Marketplace Mystic’ actually looks, sounds, and behaves like when moving through the mundane activities and challenges of daily life
Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. She works individually with people, leads groups, trainings and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year.
She has training in many
approaches including Bio-Energetics, Hypnosis, breath work, Primal, Experiencing Trauma Therapy Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator,Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining beautiful and powerful life, work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by his enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, humor. Zaki facilitates Osho Active Meditation classes, Shamanic Tarot, groups and retreats, and Reiki class. She has lived and studied in Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany and Thailand, seeking out the masters of energy healing. Zaki also has led workshops and healing groups in Germany for the last 25 years. She is the founder of the OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California. She is an excellent model of what a ‘Marketplace Mystic’ actually looks, sounds, and behaves like when moving through the mundane activities and challenges of daily life.
She works individually with people, leads groups, training’s and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining a beautiful and powerful.
Click here to learn more about Zaki
Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.
Please don`t wear any perfume
(909) 601-6373
If you love your friends, invite them to try this experience so unique, I think it will thank you.