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Awakening of Love for Men & Women: One Day Retreat
December 10, 2018 @ 11:30 am - 5:00 pm
Awakening of Love for Men & Women: One Day Retreat
The Path of Hearth
Unconditional Love –Fragrances of Love for woman`s & man
Tantra workshop
Love is a greatly misunderstood word. The key difference is that human love is conditional; spiritual love is unconditional. Human love is distorted or ‘conditioned’ by biology (sex), emotions and mind. As such it suffers all the distortions associated with these such as lust, infatuation, attachment/clinging, submission/domination, control, jealousy, betrayal, hatred and vengeance. Spiritual love has none of these. It is a spontaneous and freely given expression of the divinity that lives within us and as such has no expectation, requirements or conditions.
To create the life of your dreams, the time has come for you to love You. on Your joy. Do all the things that make You feel good. Love You, inside and out. Everything will change in your life, when you change the inside of you. Allow the Universe to give you every good thing you deserve, by being a magnet to them all. To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love.Love and gratitude will dissolve all negativity in our lives, no matter what form it has taken. Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles.
Your purpose is what you say it is. Your mission is the mission you give yourself. Your life will be what you create it as, and no-one will stand in judgment of it, now or ever.
Love is an expression of the delight of consciousness as it interacts with existence. In spiritual parlance this is called ‘ananda’, the bliss of being. The capacity of consciousness to experience, learn and understand is due to this capacity. Our self awareness is due to the interplay of consciousness with the human body. Human consciousness is unique in this way. It allows us to know we are alive, to have an identity and to learn, grow and connect to others, to discover the nature of ourselves and this world we live in.
On the spiritual path this state of unconditional love is one of the highest expressions of our divine potential. Its powerful radiance subtly impacts one who is in its presence. This radiant force nurtures and empowers the divine presence inherent in each of us, giving us the strength and clarity to overcome the obstacles and challenges of the spiritual path. Unconditional love is irresistible and greatly aids the difficult transformative process necessary for one to progress on the spiritual path.
There are three forces that transform us from human beings into divine beings. They are Truth, Consciousness and Love. Truth destroys untruth, consciousness destroys ignorance. This is the transformative power of Truth-consciousness. But unconditional love dissolves all separation and barriers. Without the radiant presence of unconditional love the spiritual path is difficult and demanding as our ego resists and rebels. The ego surrenders all to unconditional love. This is its magic. With just a touch of this unconditional love we find the strength to let go and surrender, allowing the force of truth-consciousness to enter and undo all that separates us from divine.
We are all divine in essence and as such can recognize and respond to the radiance of unconditional love. Understanding this state of being, finding it in ourselves and learning to live and act in this state is in itself a way to become established in this state.
This Is Not a Retreat for Everyone. It is for Pioneers and Explorers. It is a retreat for those eager to transform their hearts into instruments of Divine Love. It is for those whose hearts long to open and trust.
If you are firmly committed to creating authentic, supportive relationships that will transform yourself and thus the world, this retreat is for you. And if the thought of spending time in deep work, intimately interacting with others, strikes terror in the fiber of your being, then this is definitely for you. It is through our fears that we find freedom.
Shared by only a small number of participants, Heart Retreats are gentle yet probing. They take place in a trusting, heartfelt and supportive environment. Each Retreat will be geared toward the specific needs of the group.
Using guided meditations, energetic techniques, interactive-psychospiritual we will focus on the topics that most commonly block authentic connections to ourselves and others. All this leads to personal processing, transformation and liberation. We will dis-identify from the ego-infused personality and re-identify with a soul-infused personality.
E begins by identifying and experiencing those energies and attachments which block our hearts from loving ourselves and others. It might be fear, anger, disappointment, regret, guilt, and so on. Once experienced we will then move into the process of releasing and letting go.
Self-judgment is the energy that denies the Goddess Within.
We will study the issue of our self-judgment. Judgment destroys all self-acceptance. It erases all hope of authentic connection with Self and others. It creates the chasm of separation and it is the source of our society’s deepest, most denied pain. Self-judgments is the source of our ego’s illusions. To become aware of how judgment-caused separation permeates the fabric of our life is to empower ourselves with the ability to dissolve its tenacious grip on our heart and our society. Through the opening of our heart comes the healing of not just our lives, but all the lives that our judgment-free heart touches with the empowerment of acceptance and unconditional love.
This retreat allows no more denial. We will focus on the blocks. We will move into them. They will know the healing of love and compassion as separation melts into unity.
The Grace of Forgiveness
Within the throat chakra we hold the bitter clog of the past, hungry for the divine act of forgiveness. We will practice forgiveness of your precious self and others. This path goes straight to the heart. Each moment of forgiveness intensifies our freedom. But the work has a snowball effect. What starts as tools used in a group event will continue gathering power throughout the retreat and beyond. We will all experience the grace of forgiveness.
We all desire love and intimate relationship. We will be awakening our hearts to loving the self in order to love others more intimately and deeply. This is our spiritual path. We will invite love to awaken us to the deeper powers of life, for to be in relationship is to be fully in life! We will experience the challenge of the human heart to feel tenderness, unconditional love, and the divinity that links us all.
We intend this time to be rooted in tangible techniques, activities, and tools. This is not theoretical or “mind-only” work. Our intention is that no matter where you are on the inner planes, you will come to know a distinct, profound, and permanent change in your heart.
The Path of Love is an intensive, loving and liberating process in which participants are supported to passionately focus on their sincere desire and longing to awaken and realize their full human and spiritual potential.
Our longing, courageously combined with a love for the Truth and an inner yearning for peace provides clear inner guidance and direction for spiritual unfoldment. The longing of the heart is benevolent and as it is oriented towards Truth, it perfectly reveals all the inner layers of identification, concepts, and beliefs and emotionally charged defensive positions that keep us from directly experiencing our True Nature.
By honestly and compassionately facing these layers, the heart opens profoundly into the experience of Love. This opening reveals the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives, directing us to realize our Essence and connection to the Divine.
In this group you are held in a sacred circle of opening your heart and allowing your secrets to be express. Discovering the eternal wisdom of women, we can at last come back to own power. Home to our power.
Explore tantra as a path awakening.
You will look at the collective conditioning at home or at work which you have accepted and supported. Find how you can go for what you want without compromising your uniqueness and beauty.
Together we will:
– Let go into the power of love
– Restore a conscious connection with our emotions and body wisdom
– Open to self-love
– Bring reverence and understanding to our sexual nature
– Expand our capacity for ecstasy
– Learn practices for evolving within an intimate relationship
– Bring harmony between the forces of sex and heart
– Learn body-based practices to enhance creativity and self-esteem
– Balance our lives by placing pleasure, ease, joy & spontaneity center-stage
– Restore our innate connection with the divine
– Celebrate being
Let’s welcome our joy and sorrow, the faces we offer to the world and the places we hide inside. By embracing all that lives within us with love and awareness, transformation and healing naturally arise; this is Tantra. Meeting with deep honesty, collectively we transform the waters of life, restoring and reviving each other. As we relax and let go into our innate being, we discover tremendous ever-flowing resources.
Experience body-centered meditation, dance, massage, playful partner-work, profound healing methods, song and celebration.
Love Journey…
We offer tools and opportunities for conscious sensuality, lifestyles and open-heart, accepting connections. We will learn the arts of intimacy and how to live in communion.
Our celebrations...
Develop your capacity for ecstasy, expand contact with your inner lover, and fulfill needs to be deeply seen and received. Intimacy becomes safer as you learn to set healthy boundaries.
We gently share breathing, imagery, body movement, and awareness exercises that free up the vital life force. Making it available to the whole body, mind and soul.
Love Journey
Incorporates sacred arts from all over the world, including the best of modern therapy and communication skills. Participants experienced in Tantra help re-create ancient exalted love, and support each person’s process while offering role models of empowered.
Love begins at home, with loving yourself.
Loving yourself, doesn’t mean indulging yourself. It means to learn to trust yourself and listen to your inner self. To trust your inner guidance that is your heart. After all, if you don’t trust the messages from your heart, then how can you trust the heart of another?
Love from another won’t make you feel whole if you feel empty inside. You will just find reasons why the person who offers you their heart, is lying or trying to deceive you. If you haven’t learned to receive love from your higher source and instead depend on others, you end up feeling possessive and jealous.
Discover your true goddess nature
– Release anxiety and depression
-Experience your vitality and joy.
We will help you to access true feminine strength and step into your goddess power. In the magical space we create together you will be able to relax into your female life-force energy, moving beyond any fears and doubts to joy and ecstasy.
Free yourself from limiting habits and beliefs. Learn true acceptance. Experience your vitality and joy. Discover the source of your well-being. We will guide you lovingly and sensitively on a physical and emotional journey, finally discovering what it really means to be female.
With compassion, understanding and deep intuitive guidance, We will help you clear the suffocating residue of negative or traumatic sexual experiences from the past.
Celebrate your feminine essence and fall in love with your body again. Detach from the inner critic who voices all those negative thoughts about not being beautiful/pliant/thin enough…. Discover the secret of how to live a guilt-free life.
Heal fear, shame and guilt around sexuality.
Expand sexual energy, Transformation through circle, sacred movement, shamanic, empowered, communication, improve body image, Celebrate the sacred.
Sacred Dance – including Sacred Shamanic Dance.
Awaken cellular memory. Energy Healing, he pulse is deepening. Our sharing as women gathers power every moment whether we are together or apart.
We trust this kind of magic, something wanting to be felt and seen from beyond. From the depths of our wombs. Let us share our wisdom, gather together again in love and nurturing embrace.
In the warm, cozy space you will be nurtured by ancient restorative.
We offers a unique and beneficial way to explore our relationship to our bodies, our expression, our desires, our relationship to pleasure and our capacity for love.
You’ll be giving the body, heart, and mind space to rest in stillness, revitalizing your receptivity to life.
You will have the space, the time, the encouragement to simply be.
Acquire a basic understanding the Sacred Power that will help to lead a more harmonious and fulfilling life.
Learn to properly access the lower chakras to enhance sexual energy and performance.
Learn to trust again.
You will experience.
energy, nurturing togetherness . .
A people under 18 years of age must be accompanied by her mother, aunt, sister or grandmother. Nursing and bottle-feeding mothers are welcome to bring their infants. Come celebrate the Divine Presence that is in all of us in a sacred, interactive, fun and safe environment. Throughout the sacred and playful interactions, you will learn how to bring love, joy and awakening into your everyday life. We all deserve to feel fully alive, loved and connected with ourselves and others. By opening our hearts (even a little bit), we invite unconditional love to be present.
*Space is limited, please register early to reserve your place.
Honor your friend with a heart salutation Give and receive a melting hug Opening to trust ritual Stretch into love Breathe to connect. Learn about chakras In each class solo and interactive exercises incorporate conscious use of breath, movement, dance, sound, conscious touch, energy work and meditation. The classes are devoted to sacred sensuality, opening the doors to your soul.
Awaken to the ecstatic bliss of conscious.
Giving time and awareness to your heart is a precious gift. You can still join us on this journey. The workshop is suitable for beginners and advanced participants, for singles, couples and family members, everyone who wants to spend quality time alone or together.
So come, join us for of magic & celebration, day of powerful transformation!
When we are in that space, we will do energetic s and Aromatherapy.
Zaki selected fragrances of exotic aromatherapy, specific frequencies.
Zaki We will do healing with Beamer Light Pen is a leap in Light Therapy.
The Aura-Soma Beamer Light Pen. It has been developed to focus the energies of Aura-Soma into the sensitive areas of the body charkas, meridians, acupuncture points, and the subtle energy fields around the body. The dual color combination vials, which contain the energies of the Equilibrium Bottles, featuring the vibrations of color, plants and crystal energies have been specifically selected for application on the energy points of the body. Each vial will bring a different quality to whichever pathways it is brought into contact with. In this way personal energies may be modified and enhanced. These energies will support the flow of Chi around our bodies for well-being and bringing the gifts and potentials more fully into our lives. The Light Pen is also well suited to work with the densities within our subtle bodies. The study and work with the light is a vast subject and ready to be received in this time of our evolution.
The Aura Soma Light Pen allows for the energies of color and light to be distributed throughout the body and energetic bodies. This is achieved by shining the colored vials of Aura Soma onto specific acupuncture points, chakras and by tracing meridian pathways with the light pen. Something truly magical happens when light and color are introduced to the energy field.
A true sense of your self is reignited, from there you can walk your path with clarity, wisdom and authenticity.
Have some space to reflect. Re-connect to your inner wisdom. A divine and beautiful experience.
The Beamer Light Pen is beneficial for:
Those who suffer with anxiety
Those who suffer with stress
Chakra balancing
Acupuncture points
Grieving the loss of a loved one
Sending you boundless love and peace.
We invite you to join us for this very special meditation, as we lovingly honor the Light.
Join us for a beautiful evening of meditation and healing. Zaki’s hypnotic voice, together with soft, celestial music will take us on a journey into deep relaxation, into a place where time stops and healing begins. A place where Love awaits.
Join us for Relaxation – release your tension and stress- feel love and peace within-enjoy life
Sending you boundless love and peace.
Wear comfortable clothing.
Brink your light lunch salad fruit and almonds
Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.
[email protected]
Please don`t wear any perfume
Feel free to call for any information 951-242-8158
Zaki was born and raised in Italy. She has been working with people as a therapist, healer and spiritual counselor since 1987. She works individually with people, leads seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching & counseling skills. She is an experienced meditator and teacher of meditation. She has used many different meditation techniques and has helped hundreds of people to learn the art of meditation. She has been on the journey of meditation with the Indian mystic, Osho, the Buddha of our times, who developed a science of transformation for the modern man.
She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She has training in many therapeutic approaches including Bioenergetic, Hypnosis, Breath Work, Primal Feeling, Experiencing Trauma Therapy, Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training. She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator, Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling.
She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives. Her work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by her enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, and humor.
Zaki also provides personal, private healing sessions. During the session, Zaki will use many techniques to remove long-held blocks and open the way to a more peaceful way of being. The sessions are designed to assist you in addressing your deepest life issues and help you to overcome obstacles that may have been in your life for a long time. In the sessions you present your situation and Zaki responds through her intuition, revealing to you the programs that you may use unconsciously to sabotage yourself and presents you with alternatives that can lead to a more peaceful and successful life.
Click here to learn more about Zaki
Click here to learn more about Active Meditations in general