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Introduction To Shamanic Energy Healing

April 12 @ 10:30 am - 4:00 pm




Shamanic Journeying and Soul Healing Open Day.

Is this is a transformational time for you?

Are you ready to take flight, but you don’t know if you can land safely? Do you want to know what’s possible for you in this lifetime?

Is fear holding you back?

you ready to do life-changing work at a pace your body can integrate?

find you  life purpose

shift blocked energies

navigate loss and success

step into creativity, and a life based on trust instead of fear.

 What Is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing can help many people in our culture experiencing varying degrees of chronic depression and illness, addiction, dissociation, post-traumatic stress syndrome, or just plain chronic bad luck. Few of us would attribute these symptoms to spiritual imbalance or disharmony caused by traumatic or painful events. Left unresolved, this wounding of our life-force or spirit may lead to mental, emotional, and/or physical illness.

391721_516985748312729_2067588592_nUNLOCK YOUR DIVINITY

As a  Shamanic  energy healing  Master   she offer spirit-led healing using energy field healing (hands off technique),   Shamanic (hands-on technique) and core shamanic. When connecting to the soul and consciousness of another we enter a very sacred and intimate space within which it is a privilege and an honor to share and heal.  The human energy field surrounds each one of us in many layers that correspond to our physical body, emotions, mind, soul and connection to Source. As we go about our daily lives we can gather lots of debris in our field from all the events, feelings and beliefs we hold onto. Through traumas, environmental pollution and stresses the movement of energy around and through the energy centers (chakras) can become blocked, distorted, torn or otherwise damaged. We can experience all kinds of symptoms that may not appear to have a medical cause: mysterious aches and pains, feelings of restlessness, not belonging or feeling empty, lack of energy and enthusiasm, constantly living in the past, having groundless fears, obsessions and emotional outbursts, recurring negative life situations and so on.

 This spirit-led healing approach reaches right into the core of the person to transform and heal. It goes directly to the root of the problem without the person necessarily having to re-experience any original trauma.


We can contribute to our own Souls healing and well being by giving ourselves the opportunity to learn what is gifted to us. In understanding our Soul we understand ourselves and our life purpose.

Today we will have the opportunity to gather, share and learn about;

1.The Shamanic view of the Soul and its structure

2. What affects it

3. Ways and means by which various cultures have used to heal the Soul

shamanic journeying and channeling the living energy to create healing techniques that are powerful and effective in alleviating anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, and even illnesses.

This  Shaman healing   is a very old system of beliefs whose roots can be found in pagan traditions and practices that uses the products of the Earth to heal. You’ll find different kinds of shamanism but all practices healing techniques  dance,breath,blown, Prana.  With shamanic the spiritual energy is used to see where exactly in the body do we need to concentrate healing techniques. In shamanism, the healing process revolves around the seven chakras in the human body. Determining which of the seven chakra or life forces is blocked will determine which area to concentrate healing techniques. Once the area has been determine. Shamanic practitioners combine traditional concepts of chakra techniques,  To increase efficiency, there are combinations of crystals that seem to work well doubling the healing process. Shamanic principles are at play when choosing combinations of crystals, mostly pairing them with the colors that corresponds to the chakras of the human body

Zaki has been practicing Reiki for over 27 years. In addition to teaching meditation, it is her full-time occupation. It is her life. She integrates it into everything she does. She has given over a thousand healing and several hundred Initiations in her lifetime.

Zaki is the most sought after Reiki practitioner at the largest meditation resort in the world, in Pune India, where she goes every year for 4 months. She also teaches Reiki in Europe for several months each year and maintains a large international clientele. Because of her excellent reputation, she is being requested now by centers all over the world; in  Germany, Italy, India, & UK.

She also provides courses in Advanced Training for Reiki Masters Only. 

2. Training/Qualifications: 
Reiki training can vary widely. Ask the Reiki Master who they learned from, and what their teacher’s qualifications were. Ask them why they chose their teacher and how many attunements they received during the Initiation. Another point to consider is lineage; how close they are to the original source (Mikao Usui). The further away from the source, the more distorted the teachings can become. And always ask to see their certifications and what they do to learn more about Reiki.

Zaki holds 10 Master-Teacher titles in five different types of Reiki:

 Usui Reiki: Master-Teacher (3 times) 
 Tera-Mai Reiki: Master-Teacher (2 times) 
 Karuna Reiki: Master-Teacher (2 times) 
 Osho Neo Reiki: Master-Teacher 
 Shamanic Reiki:Master-Teacher

Osho Ki: Reiki:Master-Teacher

Zaki traveled the world seeking out the best Reiki Masters to learn from; in India, Nepal, Tibet, & Singapore. And she is constantly learning more about Reiki all the time.

When asked why she took multiple Master-Teacher degrees in the same type of Reiki, her response was; “I was always curious why people who took the same type of Reiki, Usui for example, had very different learning experiences from what I was originally taught. I wanted to see for myself several different styles, so that I could have a deeper understanding of Reiki from several different viewpoints.”

Zaki like to offer a large range of treatments, training courses and events enabling people to find the right course and breakthrough to help change their life.  She offer Courses, meditation, starting at the Beginners Gateway right through to Master Class, Practitioner, Reiki and Training, Spiritual Life Development classes and private treatments

She has also helped heal others of many serious diseases, including cancer. One client had two brain tumors. He was scheduled for brain surgery to remove them. But after multiple Reiki sessions, the tumors disappeared and he cancelled the surgery. Of course, there are no guarantees, even with modern medicine, that similar results can be obtained in every case. Always consult your doctor before embarking on any healing regimen.

To see Zaki’s Master-Teacher certificates, click here.

Our Soul is a wonderful part of us that we often do not understand . Many Ancient cultures around the world understood the Soul and its relationship to our happiness, health and well being. These cultures also developed ways and means by which the Soul could be maintained and healed should a traumatic situation arise that affected the Soul.

We can contribute to our own Souls healing and well being by giving ourselves the opportunity to learn what is gifted to us. In understanding our Soul we understand ourselves and our life purpose.


Today we will have the opportunity to gather, share and learn about; 


1.The Shamanic view of the Soul and its structure

2. What affects it

3. Ways and means by which various cultures have used to heal the Soul

shamanic journeying and channeling the living energy to create healing techniques that are powerful and effective in alleviating anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, and even illnesses.

This Shaman  is a very old system of beliefs whose roots can be found in pagan traditions and practices that uses the products of the Earth to heal. You’ll find different kinds of shamanism but all practices healing techniques  dance,breath,soffi, Prana,.  With shamanic the spiritual energy is used to see where exactly in the body do we need to concentrate healing techniques. In shamanism, the healing process revolves around the seven chakras in the human body. Determining which of the seven chakra or life forces is blocked will determine which area to concentrate healing techniques. Once the area has been determine. Shamanic practitioners combine traditional concepts of chakra techniques,  To increase efficiency, there are combinations of crystals that seem to work well doubling the healing process.

We will do Chakra balanced  & cleansed

The energy of the individual Chakras can be balanced and cleansed using many methods, but nothing has been found to be more effective than our unique combination of vibrational healing technologies, which enables anyone to quickly and easily finely tune, balance and cleansing each chakra instantly!

In this workshop you will learn also  Chakras, how you can balance the energy of the chakras and how to remove blockages in order to heal them.

Through ancient energy practices and ritual, and dynamic group and partner exchanges, we gain hands-on experience in healing work. We apply  Shamanic  approaches to:

Expand consciousness

Balance energetic trauma and shift attachment to past events

Extract energy intrusions using advanced methods

energy via symbols, plants, and transmission

Conduct comprehensive absentee healing sessions

Shamanically travel to prevent soul loss and restore soul qualities

Initiate into a universal circle of healers.

Integrate Reiki shamanic   with Tibetan

Pure  Crystal Singing Bowls

With their resonant, pure-tone frequencies, and the innate properties of crystal, to amplify, transmit and store energy, these exquisite instruments are powerful tools which can be used to enhance meditation and prayer and to support healing. When combined with mantra and prayerful intention, crystal singing bowls can help entrain mind, body and spirit to a more harmonious experience of peace, well-being and balance.

Here are answers to a few common questions about these beautiful instruments.

The crystal bowls played on All Is Forgiven are made of pure quartz crystal that has been infused with precious minerals, metals and elements. These bowls are smaller and lighter than the traditional classic frosted crystal singing bowls and have a more penetrating, resonant ring that is rich in musical overtones. Energetically, these alchemical bowls help entrain us to higher, more refined, vibratory frequencies.

Vibrational Sound Healing Meditation – Experience Sonic Bliss, Stress Relief, & Transformation with the Sound of Crystal and Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls. This sound healing experience will be part of evening meditation. g 
Sound healing practices have brought well-being and harmony to people for thousands of years. Our bodies and energy systems respond to sound & light wave frequencies. Crystal has been used to receive and transmit energy and frequencies in numerous cultures, and the sounds of crystal and metal singing bowls are natural aids for meditation and relaxation. The singing bowls are also used to help clear tension from our energy fields and balance the chakras – the subtle energy centers that distribute our life force. In modern times the benefits of sound therapies have been identified for people with a variety of mental health difficulties as well as for people experiencing pain and serious illnesses. Scientists have even discovered that our DNA and the cells in our body use both sound and light to communicate and transfer information. Tibetan/Himalayan bowls are made from several metals and have been used for many centuries by monks to foster meditation and to aid in healing. The bowls can be rung like a bell or gong or played along the rim to create a “singing” sound. Crystal bowls can also be rung or made to “sing” by playing their rim – they are made from pure quartz crystal and come in a variety of sizes, from 5 or 6 inches in diameter to 24 or more inches in diameter – an entire room can vibrate with the sound of one of these bowls! Each bowl has a primary musical tone along with many additional overtones that wash through you like cleansing waves. Come join  for this sacred gathering to experience these powerful sound tools as participants experience these amazing sounds facilitating meditation and healing.


Uses tuning forks and both metal and crystal singing bowls to assist with vibrational healing. These tools, combined with healing energy and intention, are wonderful resources for helping shift one’s energy into a more balanced state. Pictured below are examples of how metal and crystal bowls appear. – there are a wide variety of designs and sizes for these bowls. Crystal bowls can be clear, frosted white, or contain special properties such as rose quartz, gold, and other special infusions. Anando uses clear and frosted quartz bowls as well as Himalayan singing bowls, which are often called Tibetan bowls. The metal Himalayan bowls are made from several metals which have been associated with the energies of the planets, Sun, and Moon. These bowls can be rung or played along the rim to create a “singing” effect which helps shift brainwaves and is great for relaxation and meditation.

Come join like-minded people in this lively experiential gathering. Explore an expanded paradigm of well-being that is essential to our own and the planet’s health as we move together through increasingly complex times.


“Magical. I moved deeper into myself and into my healing practice. The wisdom of  Shamanic  is so spiritual and beautiful and the space is held in a powerful yet, playful, way. Everyone shares and learns from each other.

This  workshop  is open to  everybody.

In this class, you will be 1 attuned. You will learn about auras. Along with Shamanic practices to connect and communicate with the Spirit and Soul

We will do Hypnosis  &  Meditation 


Hypnosis is one of the most important tools for spiritual growth.


We will use it in many areas of life: to deepen your silence in meditation, for healing, to be more relaxed and playful amid the speed and tension of the market place … or in a creative way that is uniquely yours. The possibilities are unlimited and it is a wonderful tool to learn. 
The guide meditation presentation offers a unique combination of soft hypnosis and meditation. 
It is created especially to enhance and deepen our capacity to relax and let-go. In this striking relaxation something happens inside us, a new opening comes on its own, bringing clarity, new insight and deep inner peace. 

For many, this opening is the first taste of something real, our birthright, -Hypnosis for Meditation 

After that, nothing will ever be the same. 
Hypnosis for a radical seeing into the nature of non-doing, rest and relaxation. The Buddha nature, our real home, beyond body and mind.

~ We will do  Aromatherapy~

The chakras (energy system) are addressed in relationship to the Essential Oils. A variety of essential oils specifically to help balance each Chakra will be discussed. 

Aromatherapy has a long history of providing relief for some common and emotional health problems. It has its roots back in ancient civilization when herbs and plants were used to heal many ailments, and have remained popular today. The essential oils stimulate the frontal nerve endings, and then transmit impulses to the brain area that is effective in handling memory as well as emotions. This then produces a calming effect, which helps your relax.

We will use The Aura-Soma products are created from the finest natural ingredients: herbs and essential oils, crystals and gem energies. All ingredients are selected and synchronized through their color resonance and then used in a variety of ranges that nourish both the body and the aura.

What is Aura-Soma

Aura-Soma is a natural healing method that makes use of the vibrational powers of color, crystals, and natural aromas combined with light in order to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. Aura-Soma healing came out of England.

We can truly say that Aura-Soma is a method of Self Healing.

Zaki We will do healing  with Beamer Light Pen is a leap in Light Therapy.

The Aura-Soma Beamer Light Pen. It has been developed to focus the energies of Aura-Soma into the sensitive areas of the body charkas, meridians, acupuncture points, and the subtle energy fields around the body. The dual color combination vials, which contain the energies of the Equilibrium Bottles, featuring the vibrations of color, plants and crystal energies have been specifically selected for application on the energy points of the body.  Each vial will bring a different quality to whichever pathways it is brought into contact with. In this way personal energies may be modified and enhanced. These energies will support the flow of Chi around our bodies for well-being and bringing the gifts and potentials more fully into our lives. The Light Pen is also well suited to work with the densities within our subtle bodies. The study and work with the light is a vast subject and ready to be received in this time of our evolution.

The Aura Soma Light Pen allows for the energies of color and light to be distributed throughout the body and energetic bodies. This is achieved by shining the colored vials of Aura Soma onto specific acupuncture points, chakras and by tracing meridian pathways with the light pen. Something truly magical happens when light and color are introduced to the energy field. 

A true sense of your self is reignited, from there you can walk your path with clarity, wisdom and authenticity.

Light Beamer Pen

Have some space to reflect. Re-connect to your inner wisdom. A divine and beautiful experience.

The Beamer Light Pen is beneficial for:

Those who suffer with anxiety

Those who suffer with stress


Chakra balancing


Acupuncture points


Grieving the loss of a loved one

Sending you boundless love and peace, this very special meditation, as we lovingly honor the Light.

Experience the bliss.

Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.

Sending you boundless love and peace.

 Brink light  Lunch   Wear all white, comfortable clothing.

Please don`t wear  any perfume.

Join us for Relaxation -release your tension and stress- feel love and peace within-enjoy life!

Having a perfectly balanced chakra energy system will have an amazing effect on all aspects of your life. For the first time possibly in years you will feel totally alive and able to cope with everything life may bring you.

Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. She experienced meditator and teacher of meditation.Over many  years, she has used many different meditation techniques and has helped hundreds of people to get the knack of meditation. She has been on the journey of meditation with the Indian mystic, Osho, the Buddha of our times, who developed a science of transformation for the modern man. 

She  works individually with people, leads groups, training’s and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year.  She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality.  She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining a beautiful and powerful life.

Zaki holds 9 Master-Teacher titles in five different types of Reiki:

Usui Reiki: Master-Teacher, Tera-Mai Reiki: Master-Teacher, Karuna Reiki:Master-Teacher, Osho Neo Reiki:Master-Teacher, Shamanic Reiki:Master-Teacher.  She also does Osho Active Meditation facilitation, hypnosis for meditation, no mind, talk with your body.  She is also trained in Multidimensional Bodywork, Energy Reading, & chakra reading.

She now offers private healing sessions that are very unique and mix together many different modalities such as: crystal bowls of the 7 chakras, Aura soma, Aura soma light pen (healing with light and color), aromatherapy, hypnosis, energy work, tuning forks and shamanic techniques all of which create a very special environment for healing the mind, body and spirit.

At the end of the session,  Zaki will  use many    technic   over you to remove long-held blocks and open the way to a more peaceful way of being.


Zaki facilitates Osho Active Meditation classes, Shamanic Tarot, groups and retreats, and Reiki class. She has lived and studied in Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany and Thailand, seeking out the masters of energy healing. Zaki also has led workshops and healing groups in Germany for the last 27 years.  She  is the founder of the OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California. She is an excellent model of what a ‘Marketplace Mystic’ actually looks, sounds, and behaves like when moving through the mundane activities and challenges of daily life. 

Wear loose clothes. You do not need yoga mats, as meditation cushions, are provided by us.

We will provide  snacks, fruit, and water.

Feel free to call any times 951-242-8158

[email protected]

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Click here to learn more about Active Meditations in general

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April 12
10:30 am - 4:00 pm


Unnamed Organizer


OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity
10359 Shore Crest Ter
Moreno Valley, CA 92557 United States
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