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OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation
November 21, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
$3507 days, 1 hour a day
“For spiritual growth I don’t think there is anything more important than hypnosis.” Osho
In this course, we will explore the role of the unconscious mind in meditation. We often believe that if we make a resolution, we can force things to happen!
However, as Osho explains:
“The unconscious never hears anything that the conscious is deciding, and the conscious cannot control the unconscious – the unconscious is so vast.”
When we meditate, our desire to stop the chatter of the mind can become an obsession. But meditation has nothing to do with winning a battle against thoughts and emotions. Meditation is total relaxation, with awareness. It is watching without judgment, becoming a witness to whatever is present at any given time.
Our unconscious mind contains old patterns and memories which are the basis of our resistance to fully letting go, but these patterns can be released through self-hypnosis and once the unconscious mind is onside meditation is an easy, natural process.
Effective meditation practice requires a shift from our usual doing mind to learning to allow meditation to happen. OSHO Self-Hypnosis for Meditation is an easy but powerful tool that can transform your life gently from within. Trying to change yourself or your life yourself for the better is at best a zero-sum game, at worst a downward spiral into increasing tension.
Meditation reconnects you to existence – and to your intelligence. You can relax and give up trying to control yourself and your life because, whatever happens, you will be there responding intelligently according to the light of your own meditative awareness.
- How to move easily into a hypnotic trance and relax your body and breath
- To use self-hypnosis to quickly bypass the mind and move easily into a space where taking a relaxed witnessing is possible
- How to use post-hypnotic suggestion to create change in your life
- The difference between doing and just letting your meditation happen
- How to make your meditation practice more natural and relaxed
- Osho insights and quotes about hypnosis and meditation
- Q&A sessions with facilitator
- Completion of the prerequisite for facilitator training
- A recording of the session will be available online for 3 weeks after the course, so you can consolidate your practice.
“The day you can hypnotize yourself is a great day; something valuable has been achieved. Then you can do miracles with it, upon yourself. You can change things that you have always been trying to change; but the more you try to change them, the more difficult it becomes.”
Osho on Self Hypnosis use in Meditation
Osho – But if you are doing a session of self-hypnosis, there is no danger. You just go through the whole process, looking at a bright thing that tires your eyes – that is its only function – and you go on repeating what the hypnotist was repeating, but inside your being. Finally, you will find you cannot keep your eyes open; they are closing. You have lost control over them. That feeling of losing control over your eyelids immediately gives you the feeling that you are certainly falling into deep sleep.
As long as you are aware, you go on repeating, ”I am going deeper, deeper, ”and a moment comes when you have gone deepest into your unconscious. And after ten minutes the alarm will go off, and you will come back from your unconscious to the conscious. You will be surprised how fresh, how young you are feeling within yourself – how clean, as if you have passed through a beautiful garden full of flowers, with a cool breeze.
You can also give yourself post-hypnotic suggestions. They have to be given at the last moment when your eyes are closing and you feel that now you will be going deeper. Before going deeper you start saying, ”From tomorrow my health will be better.” Just choose one thing, not too many; don’t be greedy! And just a fifteen-day session or three-week session just on yourself, whatever you are saying… perhaps that your meditation will go deeper from tomorrow.
You will find that your meditation is going deeper and you can create a very beautiful link. When the meditation goes deeper, then you can suggest to yourself, ”Tomorrow my hypnosis will go even deeper.” You can use both to bring you to the very depths of your unconsciousness.
Once you have touched the depths of your unconsciousness, then you can start a second suggestion: ”Although I will be in the dark unconscious, a slight awareness will remain so that I can see what is happening.” And then go on repeating, ”My awareness which was slight is becoming bigger and bigger and bigger…” And one day you will find the whole unconscious is lighted with your alertness – and that’s what meditation is.
Hypnosis can be used, should be used, without any fear. Either together, by people who trust each other and love each other, so there is no fear that they will exploit… you are with your very intimate friends; you know that they cannot harm you, you can open yourself, you can be vulnerable. Or just yourself… by yourself it will take a little longer, because you have to do two persons’ work yourself. That is a little disturbance.
But now, because tape recorders are available you can dispose of the other person completely, and give the suggestion part to the tape recorder. And the tape recorder certainly cannot misuse it; it cannot tell you to kill your wife, unless you have put that on the tape. Then I cannot help; whatever you put in the tape recorder it will repeat!
You can put the whole process in the tape recorder, all the suggestions of falling into sleep, heaviness of the lids, going deeper. And then when you are deepest – a gap of four, five minutes, so you settle in your deepness, then from the tape recorder comes the voice saying that your meditation will become deeper from today, that you will not have to struggle with your thoughts.
The moment you will close your eyes, the thoughts will start dispersing themselves. The tape recorder can be immensely helpful because there is no question of anybody to trust. You can trust your tape recorder without any fear. And you can lock the door so that nobody plays with your tape recorder – otherwise somebody may trick you!
Self-hypnosis has to be in the service of meditation; that is its greatest use. But it can serve health, it can serve long life, it can serve love, it can serve friendliness, it can serve courage. All that you want, self-hypnosis can help you with. It can dispel your fears of the unknown, it can dispel your fear of death; it can make you ready for being alone, silent, peaceful. It can make you able to continue an undercurrent of meditation the whole twenty-four hours.
You can even suggest, ”While I am asleep my small flame of awareness will continue all through, the night without disturbing my sleep.”
Purna, you are saying, ”I have noticed that the line between therapy and meditation is dissolving. That has been my deep desire for long. Therapy should dissolve into hypnosis, and hypnosis should dissolve into meditation. Then we have created one of the greatest forces for enlightenment, which has never been used in the past.
Therapy has never been used. Therapy will cleanse you of all garbage, it will take away all your conditionings; therapy will help you to cathart anything that has been there and you have been repressing inside. Therapy will throw it out. Therapy is a beautiful cleansing process, and a mind cleansed will fall into hypnosis more easily, without any struggle. Perhaps even those who are not easily available to self-hypnosis or to hypnosis – the people who don’t belong to the thirty-three percent – With therapy even they may start belonging to the group which is available for hypnosis. Therapy can change one hundred percent of people into authentic candidates for hypnosis.
So therapy has to be used in such a way that it slowly dissolves into hypnosis, and then hypnosis has to be used so that it can become steps going towards meditation. These three things together I propose to be my trinity. God and the holy ghost and Jesus Christ… forget all that nonsense. That is not a trinity.
But something scientific, something that you can do yourself, something that is possible to be practiced… Except for that, religion is so full of garbage, and people have become more interested in the garbage and forgotten the essential. In fact, the essential has become so small in comparison to the Himalayan garbage that has accumulated on top of it down the centuries that it is even difficult to find where it is.
What I am proposing is a simple thing: you don’t need any priest, you don’t need any church, you don’t need any holy scripture. All that you need is a little understanding and a little courage. Cathart totally in therapy. You don’t know how much crap there is inside you. When you start catharting, then you will know – ”My God, is this me or somebody else? What am I doing? What am I saying?”
Sometimes what you say does not even make any sense. But it has been there, otherwise it cannot come to you. It has been a hindrance to your meditation, and it will be a hindrance to your going deep into hypnosis. It will become a barrier somewhere in-between.
So therapy has to be the first thing. The second thing is hypnosis, and the third thing will grow out of it – your meditation. The ultimate in meditation is enlightenment. When meditation comes to its completion, then your whole being becomes full of light, full of blissfulness, full of ecstasy.
Using old fashioned self-hypnosis is like planting a new flower garden in an area that is full of weeds. The new flowers wouldn’t have a chance because the old weeds have a head start. They would choke off almost any chance that the new flowers had to take root and grow strong. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it that way. You need to remove the weeds (and the root) so that the good plants and flowers (new useful thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors, etc.) can survive and grow.
It is especially designed to utilize an individual’s own belief system.
If you are a spiritual person, those beliefs can be a very important part of your changes. Especially when the changes that you want to make will make you a better or healthier person. If you are not really all that spiritual in your belief systems, that is okay too.
Hypnosis – relax and enjoy!
Hypnotherapy can reinforce suggestions to help progress those behavior changes that improve and enhance the quality of life. The actual root of a problem can be discovered through hypnosis. Symptoms generated by the problem can be alleviated. This approach is much more productive than continuing to treat the symptoms by one’s self as the problem persists.
Success is as attainable as we want in this lifetime! It’s our choice. We can overcome any fear! We can attain the health, wealth, and happiness that one desires. First, one must begin in the mind though! With Hypnotherapy we can together begin aligning the powers of conscious desires and goals with the subconscious beliefs and programming that you have associated for yourself throughout the entirety of your life. In turn, you will learn how to control and better manage the 88% subconscious mental power to work with the 12% conscious mental desires so that you can have 100% POSITIVE RESULTS in any area of life you desire!! By changing the language of your Subconscious thoughts, you can in turn CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Creating the most abundant, love filled, happy future is within your grasp and within you! By taking the tools of using your senses, custom tailored affirmations, visualization hypnosis techniques, you can change formulate your subconscious belief and conscious language with daily practice and application of these hypnotic tools! In doing so, learning how to control the subconscious mind and create and design the life you desire! Each and every person is a special unique individual that learns, and grows at his or her own pace. Life is amazing that way! So you will find that everyone is on a personal growth path at this very moment, but that WE in fact have the choice of changing the sail of our ships, towards a more positive one! We encourage the experience for you to show yourself how amazing you can really become, since each of us already has everything we can possibly need to attain anything we want from within. With Hypnotherapy, you will find an accelerated positive result to anything that is thought of and created by the mind, which is almost anything.
Using hypnosis, you first reconnect with your body/mind, making friends with it, and then start a healing process by communicating with your unconscious.
is a focused way of meditating, to get in a higher state of consciousness in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose. It is very hard for people to shut of their active minds when meditating.
Guided Mediation helps us to breathe, relax and focus our thoughts and intentions on a specific goal or purpose. Through the use of our imagination and visualization we can draw light and energy into our bodies. We can awaken latent areas of our minds and beings. We can experience ourselves opening up to a higher purpose and feel reality shifting within our being.
Meditation is Hypnosis in the vertical dimension and Hypnosis is Meditation in horizontal dimension. Hypnosis has many possibilities and more people should be working in that direction. It has not been yet taken seriously, and it is one of the very fundamental things which can innermost core of all problems and of all solutions.- OSHO
Energetics and Aromatherapy
When we are in that space, Zaki selected fragrances of exotic aromatherapy, specific
Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. Her educational back ground includes university degrees in Psychology,
She works individually with people, leads groups, trainings and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She has training in many
therapeutic approaches including Bio-Energetics, Hypnosis, breath work, Primal, Experiencing Trauma Therapy Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator.
Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining beautiful and powerful life, work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by his enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, humor.
Zaki has her own way of presenting this new and revolutionary method for heightening awareness, off-loading the wound-ego, or pain-body, or not-self – whatever you want to call it – and relaxing into one’s own skin. She is a teacher whose extensive back ground in meditation, therapy and metaphysics, and her own unique comprehensive nature (she’s a Reflector, who are just 1% of people) let her make the space for you to have an experience of yourself – not just take on more intellectual learning.
She’s a human tin-opener, a revolving sprinkler, and if you’re lucky and get to come to any of her groups, you’ll be doused by friendly, authoritative wisdom so juicy and true that you’ll never be the same again. And you’ll come away with tools you can use in your daily life to continue the process of unmasking your essence and letting go what isn’t you.
Zaki holds 10 Master-Teacher titles in five different types of Reiki:
Zaki facilitates Osho Active Meditation classes, Shamanic Tarot, groups and retreats, and Reiki class. She has lived and studied in Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany and Thailand, seeking out the masters of energy healing. Zaki also has led workshops and healing groups in Germany for the last 25 years. She is the founder of the OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California. She is an excellent model of what a ‘Marketplace Mystic’ actually looks, sounds, and behaves like when moving through the mundane activities and challenges of daily life
Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. She works individually with people, leads groups, trainings and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year.
She has training in many
approaches including Bio-Energetics, Hypnosis, breath work, Primal, Experiencing Trauma Therapy Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator,Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining beautiful and powerful life, work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by his enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, humor. Zaki facilitates Osho Active Meditation classes, Shamanic Tarot, groups and retreats, and Reiki class. She has lived and studied in Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany and Thailand, seeking out the masters of energy healing. Zaki also has led workshops and healing groups in Germany for the last 25 years. She is the founder of the OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California. She is an excellent model of what a ‘Marketplace Mystic’ actually looks, sounds, and behaves like when moving through the mundane activities and challenges of daily life.
Zaki’s Additional Training:
Inner Work/Personal Growth Training
- Intuition & Channeling intensive (1 month)
- Born Again intensive (18 hours); 12 times
- Channeling intensive (210 hours)
- Breathing intensive (210 hours)
- The Path of the Mystic (210 hours)
- Working with the Chakras (18 hours)
- Ending Co-dependence training (210 hours)
- Opening Your Heart (21 hours)
- Primal Feeling intensive (210 hours)
- From the Head to the Heart (28 hours)
- Transformation of Power (30 hours)
- Relationships (70 hours)
- Melting in Love; Aloneness (50 hours)
- Who Is In? (100 hours)
- Satori (105 hours)
- Die Before You Die (56 hours)
- Coming Out of Loneliness (30 hours)
- Courage: The Joy of Risking (30 hours)
- Your Roots in Life: the 1st Chakra (30 hours)
- The Mystic Rose (21 days); 12 times
- Tibetan Pulsing (210 hours)
- Love and Freedom (3 days)
- Leadership Training
- Meditation Leader training (50 hours)
- Therapist Training intensive (110 hours); 12 times
- Energy Counseling Training intensive (110 hours); 5 times
- Councilor Training intensive (330 hours)
- Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your Body-Mind (21 hours)
- No Mind meditation training (28 hours); 12 times
III. Healing Training
- Reiki Training (see previous)
- Healing with Chi (for Reiki Masters only) (210 hours)
- Pranic Healing (210 hours)
- Energy Healing Intensive (70 hours)
- Star-Sapphire training (working with energy) (100 hrs)
- Color Chakra Healing (24 hours)
- Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your Body-Mind (14 hours)
- Self Hypnosis (21 hours)
- Meditation Training
- Vipassana Meditation training; Osho Multiversity; Pune, India (210 hours); 12 times
- Vipassana Meditation training; Zen monastery, Himalaya Mtns. (230 hours)
- Vipassana Meditation training; Pancha Mama Center, Costa Rica (3 weeks)
- No Mind meditation training (14 hours); 12 times
- Dance meditation training (30 hours); 6 times
- Other Training
- Laughter Yoga Leader training; LA, Calif (16 hours)
- Tarot.
Amount others modalities , she is trained : OSHO therapy, OSHO Meditative Therapy , OSHO Meditation, Family Constellation, Breath work , Shamanic Work, Energy Healing, Conscious Relating, Pulsation , Sexual reconditioning, Tantra Essence, Women Work, Multidimensional bodywork and an extensive Healing arts.
Her passion for Meditation and Self Awareness took her to travel around the world to experience deeply a diversification Self Transformation body mind healing therapy and Spiritual path from east and west.
Over the past 30 years, she has traveling globally sharing her unique approach of working with people, which integrates many different
Meditation techniques, transpersonal and body energy healing arts has helped hundreds of people to bring more love, awareness and joy into they life.
(909) 601-6373
Click here to learn more about Zaki