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Overcoming Fear, Guilt & Anxiety

October 24, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Intense Emotions – How to Move through Them with Grace

Do you feel stuck emotional, energetically, mentally or spiritually?

Using powerful tools especially Hypnosis, a deep neurological reshifting will be offered to bring about a deep rooted sense of feeling good to be you, just as you are. Many people have a well-developed skill in thinking of themselves as unworthy, inadequate and unlovable.

In existence it seems as if the human species is the only one capable of doing this. Certainly plants, trees, birds and animals don’t do this.
Such believes and attitudes are a deep misunderstanding about the nature of life and cause much pain and suffering. Fear is your emotional guidance system trying to get your attention, alerting you that what you are feeling is not serving you well. These negative emotions are hints from your Higher Self that it’s time to make some changes in your life. This workshop will facilitate the release of your fears, replacing your anxiety with confidence, choice and commitment.

You will learn:

  • To clarify your fear/anxiety and what it really means to you
  • To understand the messages your Higher Self sends you through your specific fears
  • To identify the changes, you can make to eliminate fear and anxiety
  • To appreciate the present as the key to your freedom from fear
  • To commit to live a life free from fear.
  • Nobody likes to feel guilt. But when a fear of doing harm to others and feeling guilty as a result gets too severe, it can become pathological.

Excessive fear of guilt can lead a person down the road to developing obsessive-compulsive disorder. An intriguing new theory suggests that in certain cases, an extreme sensitivity to the emotion may be an operative factor in a person’s vulnerability.


The Fear of Guilt

For the study, researchers first developed a new scale to measure guilt sensitivity. The test featured 20 statements ― including “Guilt is one of the most intolerable feelings” and “The idea of feeling guilty because I was careless makes me very anxious” ― for which participants could rank their level of agreement.

“Guilt sensitivity may cause individuals to be vigilant and sensitive to ways in which actions or inactions could potentially cause harm, performing checking compulsions in order to avoid, prevent, or neutralize the feared feeling of guilt.

As you accept Awakening through forgiveness as your sole purpose in life, all of your unconscious beliefs must be raised to the light and released. The ego’s fear of being undone will rise to the surface of consciousness, as it must. It will seem to result in many intense emotions, over and over again, until the mind has released ego-identification once and for all. Only then can true happiness, joy, and peace be a consistent experience that is truly known.

Real Time Critiquing for in the moment situations

Hands on examples and coaching with commonly overlooked (in the moment) nuances that can make all the difference.

The power of visualization and energy awareness

Importance of the walk and structured guidelines and strategies that will allow your dog to be included in your lives and everyday activities.

In this group you are held in a sacred circle of opening your heart and allowing your secrets to be express. Discovering the eternal wisdom  we can at last come back to own power. Home to our power.

Loving yourself, doesn’t mean indulging yourself. It means to learn to trust yourself and listen to your inner self. To trust your inner guidance that is your heart. After all, if you don’t trust the messages from your heart, then how can you trust the heart of another?

Love from another won’t make you feel whole if you feel empty inside. You will just find reasons why the person who offers you their heart, is lying or trying to deceive you. If you haven’t learned to receive love from your higher source and instead depend on others, you end up feeling possessive and jealous.

Discover your true goddess nature
– Release anxiety and depression
-Experience your vitality and joy.

We will help you to access true feminine strength and step into your goddess power. In the magical space we create together you will be able to relax into your female life-force energy, moving beyond any fears and doubts to joy and ecstasy.

Free yourself from limiting habits and beliefs. Learn true acceptance. Experience your vitality and joy. Discover the source of your well-being. We will guide you lovingly and sensitively on a physical and emotional journey, finally discovering what it really means to be female.

With compassion, understanding and deep intuitive guidance, We will help you clear the suffocating residue of negative or traumatic sexual experiences from the past.

We offers a unique and beneficial way to explore our relationship to our bodies, our expression, our desires, our relationship to pleasure and our capacity for love.

You’ll be giving the body, heart, and mind space to rest in stillness, revitalizing your receptivity to life.

You will have the space, the time, the encouragement to simply be.

Acquire a basic understanding the Sacred Power that will help to lead a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Learn to trust again.

You will experience.


energy, nurturing togetherness . .

Come celebrate the Divine Presence that is in all of us in a sacred, interactive, fun and safe environment. Throughout the sacred and playful interactions, you will learn how to bring love, joy and awakening into your everyday life. We all deserve to feel fully alive, loved and connected with ourselves and others. By opening our hearts (even a little bit), we invite unconditional love to be present.

*Space is limited, please register early to reserve your place.

Honor your friend with a heart salutation Give and receive a melting hug Opening to trust ritual Stretch into love Breathe to connect. Learn about chakras In each class solo and interactive exercises incorporate conscious use of breath, movement, dance, sound, conscious touch, energy work and meditation. 

Awaken to the ecstatic bliss of conscious.

To create the life of your dreams, the time has come for you to love You. Focus on Your joy. Do all the things that make You feel good. Love You, inside and out. Everything will change in your life, when you change the inside of you. Allow the Universe to give you every good thing you deserve, by being a magnet to them all. To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love.

We all need healing, we all need peace of mind, and we all need Love! This beautiful evening of meditation and healing will touch you in a way you have never experienced before.

Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. Her educational back ground includes university degrees in Psychology,

She works individually with people, leads groups, trainings and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She has training in many

therapeutic approaches including Bio-Energetics, Hypnosis, breath work, Primal, Experiencing Trauma Therapy Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator.

Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining beautiful and powerful life, work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by his enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, humor.

Zaki  has her own way of presenting this new and revolutionary method for heightening awareness, off-loading the wound-ego, or pain-body, or not-self – whatever you want to call it – and relaxing into one’s own skin. She is a teacher whose extensive back ground in meditation, therapy and metaphysics, and her own unique comprehensive nature (she’s a Reflector, who are just 1% of people) let her make the space for you to have an experience of yourself – not just take on more intellectual learning.

 She’s a human tin-opener, a revolving sprinkler, and if you’re lucky and get to come to any of her groups, you’ll be doused by friendly, authoritative wisdom so juicy and true that you’ll never be the same again. And you’ll come away with tools you can use in your daily life to continue the process of unmasking your essence and letting go what isn’t you.

Zaki holds 10 Master-Teacher titles in five different types of Reiki:

Zaki facilitates Osho Active Meditation classes, Shamanic Tarot, groups and retreats, and Reiki class. She has lived and studied in Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany and Thailand, seeking out the masters of energy healing. Zaki also has led workshops and healing groups in Germany for the last 25 years. She is the founder of the OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California. She is an excellent model of what a ‘Marketplace Mystic’ actually looks, sounds, and behaves like when moving through the mundane activities and challenges of daily life

Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. She works individually with people, leads groups, trainings and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year.

She has training in many

approaches including Bio-Energetics, Hypnosis, breath work, Primal, Experiencing Trauma Therapy Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator,Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining beautiful and powerful life, work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by his enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, humor. Zaki facilitates Osho Active Meditation classes, Shamanic Tarot, groups and retreats, and Reiki class. She has lived and studied in Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, India, Italy, Germany and Thailand, seeking out the masters of energy healing. Zaki also has led workshops and healing groups in Germany for the last 25 years. She is the founder of the OSHO Meditation Center & Multiversity of California. She is an excellent model of what a ‘Marketplace Mystic’ actually looks, sounds, and behaves like when moving through the mundane activities and challenges of daily life.

[email protected] 

(909) 601-6373‬



October 24, 2024
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm