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Self-hypnosis-Open up to your Divine Essence
October 17, 2015 @ 10:30 am - 5:00 pm

Do you feel stuck emotional, energetically, mentally or spiritually?
Using powerful tools especially Hypnosis, a deep neurological reshifting will be offered to bring about a deep rooted sense of feeling good to be you, just as you are. Many people have a well-developed skill in thinking of themselves as unworthy, inadequate and unlovable.
In existence it seems as if the human species is the only one capable of doing this. Certainly plants, trees, birds and animals don’t do this.
Such believes and attitudes are a deep misunderstanding about the nature of life and cause much pain and suffering.
Hypnosis is a powerful and effective tool to reconnect with inner knowing and resources that can bring about a deep healing. Many people spend much of their lives disconnected from themselves. A useful way to think of this is to say that they are out of touch with their unconscious mind. Hypnosis is a powerful and effective tool to reconnect with inner knowings and resources that can bring about a deep healing.
Give yourself this gift of healing and change. Everyday we get stress and tension for many reasons – work, home, family, friends, life and environments in general. We can get used to being upset, unhappy or even hostile sometimes.
Come learn an new way to manage or minimize stress, anger and anxiety. Learn how to instantly become calm, relaxed and able to feel much better in a matter of minutes.
For years Zaki has been working with people from around the world, helping them cope with and manage all kinds of situations and feelings, using hypnosis and meditation as a form of self healing.
Meditation, healing, & self hypnosis are great ways to learn how to get along better in any situation, environment or with anyone or to just feel happier in general. It’s also a great skill to learn at a young age!
Self-hypnosis techniques to DE-stress, eliminate negative thoughts, behaviors and emotion
The fastest ways to make lasting change, and why it is so effective
How the mind and body connection is so important to your health, wealth and happiness
Why hypnosis can help you achieve your health, relationship and career goals
To cope with life’s stresses and strains more easily
How to create your own bespoke suggestions for your particular issues or goals
Simple ways to incorporate powerful self-hypnosis habits into your daily routines
The most potent, yet gentle and natural way to change
A powerful way of problem solving that actually works
Powerful goal setting techniques that give your mind direction and focus
Self hypnosis is a wonderful and valuable tool to master because it can be helpful in many areas of your life.
Self hypnosis can assist you:
– to relieve stress;
– to end procrastination;
– to overcome fears;
– to improve sleep;
– improve self-confidence;
– to achieve your goals;
– to improve learning abilities.
The workshop is a good opportunity to find out:
– what hypnosis is and how you can use it safely and confidently;
– how to relax using simple relaxation techniques;
– how to get into trance and get out of it;
– how to write auto suggestion correctly.
Yes, this hypnosis-empowered meditation
Will work when other kinds of meditation were to difficult. It is so simple when you use a system that works with how your mind was designed to work. Take back control of your life and live the life you were meant to live.
It is the first self-hypnosis program that we know of that allows you to first remove the old programming that blocks success.
Help for health just seem to start working better than they ever did before. As a result, you just tend to start taking better care of yourself, and old patterns such as addiction begin to fade away (i.e., smoking, overeating, alcohol abuse, etc.)
This Day is useful for any kind of personal or interpersonal issue: mind, body and/or spirit.
Learn a simple, yet highly effect technique to manage the power of your mind to produce physical well-being, stress reduction, pain relief, habit control, performance enhancement, personal and spiritual development. The potential for change and growth is as limitless of your imagination.
We offers a unique combination of soft hypnosis and meditation.
It is created especially to enhance and deepen our capacity to relax and let-go. In this striking relaxation something happens inside us, a new opening comes on its own, bringing clarity, new insight and deep inner peace.
After that, nothing will ever be the same.
Hypnosis for a radical seeing into the nature of non-doing, rest and relaxation. The Buddha nature, our real home, beyond body and mind.
Self- Hypnosis are tools that can help a person find internal peace by resolving extreme emotions, enhancing the quality of life, getting through life issues, and helping achieve self-improvement goals.
Can change your life! Whether you want to lose weight, stop smoking, manage stress, manage pain, conquer fears, or make other changes, you can! Most people try to change their habits using only 12% of their mind – the conscious mind. Yet those habits are deeply rooted in the other 88% – the sub-conscious. You can access your sub-conscious and utilize 100% of your mind power.
Combining the transformational power of hypnosis, meditation and your spiritual system
Moves you more quickly toward being your true self, reaching a much higher level of consciousness, releasing your latent talents, and helping you to realize your calling.
Is like planting a new flower garden in an area that is full of weeds. The new flowers wouldn’t have a chance because the old weeds have a head start. They would choke off almost any chance that the new flowers had to take root and grow strong. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it that way. You need to remove the weeds (and the root) so that the good plants and flowers (new useful thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors, etc.) can survive and grow.
It is especially designed to utilize an individual’s own belief system.
Using hypnosis, you first reconnect with your body/mind, making friends with it, and then start a healing process by communicating with your unconscious.
is a focused way of meditating, to get in a higher state of consciousness in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose. It is very hard for people to shut of their active minds when meditating.
We will do mediation helps us to breathe, relax and focus our thoughts and intentions on a specific goal or purpose. Through the use of our imagination and visualization we can draw light and energy into our bodies. We can awaken latent areas of our minds and beings. We can experience ourselves opening up to a higher purpose and feel reality shifting within our being.
Meditation is Hypnosis in the vertical dimension and Hypnosis is Meditation in horizontal dimension. Hypnosis has many possibilities and more people should be working in that direction. It has not been yet taken seriously, and it is one of the very fundamental things which can innermost core of all problems and of all solutions.- OSHO
Anando will do the Crystal Singing Bowls:
Benefits of the Healing Sound of Crystal Singing Bowls:
relaxes and reduces stress, anxiety
– calms and soothes
– improves sleeping and concentration
– balances the hemispheres of the brain
– balances the chakras
– brings a positive shift in consciousness
Tuning SOUND
The human voice is one of our finest tools to express the heart and soul and to heal the body and spirit. We will do this through toning (making sustained vibratory sounds without melody, rhythm or words).
release stress, pain and tension
experience inner peace
Toning is the universal telepathic language that everyone can learn to use. It is a vital tool for your own healing, and a powerful tool for healing others. The group will do a variety of exercises which may include: Toning for the Pain in Your Body, Toning with Body Work, Toning the Chakras, Toning to Energize Manifestation, Toning for World Peace, and Shamanic Sounding.
Learning Objectives: To learn to use INNER SOUND tuning forks as a sound therapy for equilibrium of self or others, either alone or to complement any therapy.
Energetics and Aromatherapy
When we are in that space, Zaki selected fragrances of exotic aromatherapy, specific frequencies.
Zaki We will do healing with Beamer Light Pen is a leap in Light Therapy.
The Aura-Soma Beamer Light Pen. It has been developed to focus the energies of Aura-Soma into the sensitive areas of the body charkas, meridians, acupuncture points, and the subtle energy fields around the body. The dual color combination vials, which contain the energies of the Equilibrium Bottles, featuring the vibrations of color, plants and crystal energies have been specifically selected for application on the energy points of the body.
Each vial will bring a different quality to whichever pathways it is brought into contact with. In this way personal energies may bemodified and enhanced. These energies will support the flow of Chiaround our bodies for well-being and bringing the gifts and potentials more fully into our lives. The Light Pen is also well suited to work with the densities within our subtle bodies. The study and work with the light is a vast subject and ready to be received in this time of our evolution.
The Aura Soma Light Pen allows for the energies of color and lightto be distributed throughout the body and energetic bodies. This is achieved by shining the colored vials of Aura Soma onto specific acupuncture points, chakras and by tracing meridian pathways with the light pen. Something truly magical happens when light and color are introduced to the energy field. An interaction so subtle can make quite a significant change to our state of being and may offer a renewed sense of peace, mental clarity and a feeling ofconnectedness to something deeper within ourselves.
A true sense of your self is reignited, from there you can walk your path with clarity, wisdom and authenticity
Have some space to reflect. Re-connect to your inner wisdom. A divine and beautiful experience.
The Beamer Light Pen is beneficial for:
Those who suffer with anxiety
Those who suffer with stress
Chakra balancing
Acupuncture points
Grieving the loss of a loved one
We invite you to join us for this very special meditation, as we lovingly honor the Light.
First timers, and experienced Journeyers, Come, Participate, Explore & Transform!
Join us experience the bliss for of Hypnosis, Meditation & Healing release your tension and stress- feel love and peace within-enjoy life!
We all need healing, we all need peace of mind, and we all need Love! This beautiful evening of meditation and healing will touch you in a way you have never experienced before!
This hypnosis workshop is open to everyone, no matter whether you had previous experience.
Will be a beautiful meditation and healing. Zaki’s hypnotic voice, together with soft, celestial music will take us on a journey into deep relaxation, into a place where time stops and healing begins. A place where Love awaits.
Come, experience the bliss of Meditation.
Lunch is provided.
If you cannot come to the event, then the way to change your RSVP status is to first go to the event page in the Meet-up site, and in the upper right-hand corner you will find a button called: CHANGE RSVP. Just click on that button and follow the instructions.
Please don`t wear any perfume.
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Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.
Please wear comfortable clothing. Once the meditation starts, we will close the doors so as not to disturb the process, so please plan on arriving at least 15 minutes before we start. If you RSVP but can’t make it, please let us know so we can open up the spot for someone else.
Call Zaki for information
Zaki was born and raised in Italy. She has been working with people as a therapist, healer and spiritual counselor since 1987. She works individually with people, leads seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching & counseling skills. She is an experienced meditator and teacher of meditation. She has used many different meditation techniques and has helped hundreds of people to learn the art of meditation. She has been on the journey of meditation with the Indian mystic, Osho, the Buddha of our times, who developed a science of transformation for the modern man.
She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She has training in many therapeutic approaches including Bioenergetic, Hypnosis, Breath Work, Primal Feeling, Experiencing Trauma Therapy, Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training. She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator, Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives. Her work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by her enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, and humor.
Giving time and awareness to your heart is a precious gift. You can still join us on this journey. The event is suitable for beginners and advanced participants, for singles, couples and family members, everyone who wants to spend quality time alone or together.
Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.
We have noticed that some people RSVP for an event but then do not show up and do not call or cancel to let us know that they will not be attending. If your plans have changed and you can’t make it, please let us know so we can adjust our plans accordingly.