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Awakening of Love:The Key to Opening Your Heart

December 2, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 7:00 pm



Unlocking the Intuitive Intelligence of the Human 

 The Power of Intuition to Open Your Heart



In this workshop, you will experience your own intuition. You will see for yourself that intuition, guidance is always there for you. It is up to you to decide to trust, follow and live in bliss or not to trust and feel like your life is against you. We always have a free will. Become more aware of your intuition (not more intuitive, because you already are) and create “The Masterpiece Life.”

“The guidance you receive when your intuition is aligned with unconditional love is creative, uplifting, lucid and in your highest good.”

This  workshop  will release blocks. These blocks may hold you back from living life freely and with full potential.

You will benefit from this workshop, especially if you:

Experiencing relationship difficulties at home, work

Want to end a chapter in your life but you feel uneasy, do not know what to do

Feeling stuck, do not know what steps to take ahead

Want to let go of addiction

Dealing with any issue in your life which brings you negative emotion

 Our birth right is to feel love and peace, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and to feel fulfillment in our physical life.

 It takes courage and willingness to look at our life and own blocks, only then can we release them. It is always rewarding.

This  powerful tools which will help you to recognize every block that may be holding you back from your dream life.

American culture, we are taught to be self-sufficient and independent. So it can feel very vulnerable to open up and trust in another person, or in the universe to take care of can dispel the fears that hold us back, and trust in the abundant flow of the universe.

Take care of us, we need to spend time in our own practice. Building a relationship with the Divine, however you conceive of it, requires commitment. What that commitment looks like is up to you, and may change over time. But start develop your intuition. 


Learning to trust doesn’t have to be a passive process. For those of us who may be a little more “type A,” you can absolutely be an active participant in learning to trust more. If you have a strong intuition, you will be better at making the countless decisions we are all faced with each day. You will have a sense of the right course of action and the right people to have in your life. That isn’t to say that everything will always be easy, but that you will know you are on the right path even when things may be difficult.

Connect to and strengthen your heart Become heart centered and enjoy peace from within Gain higher understanding and insight Feel the love and light radiate from your heart Clear negativities and unburden your heart Let True Source’s Blessing open and strengthen your heart more. Improve your connection to True Source, making it more beautiful Achieve deeper surrendering from your heart, including surrendering your problems, burdens, and negative emotions to True Source Use and enjoy your heart more in daily life Better interact and connect with people around you by relying on True Source’s Blessings Maintain deeper calmness, peace, and light feeling in daily life


Open Heart

Open Heart Workshop is a practical and experiential workshop designed to help you feel the beauty within your heart. The exercises in this workshop will show you how to reduce the domination of the brain and strengthen your heart connection, bringing abundant joy, peace, and calmness into your life,helps you to become attuned and better able to feel and connect to your heart, it will also help you to:

Get to know your heart better Get to know heart / feeling and brain / thoughts better Strengthen your heart Lessen the domination from your brain Realize True Source’s Blessing within your heart Let your heart become more dominant in your daily life

1. The heart

When I say heart, I mean your spiritual heart or center, not your emotional heart, which actually can complicate matters further. You may find it easier to think of it as your true self, your spirit. Many people, myself included, feel this located in their heart/chest area.

To be honest, it really doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as you recognise there is a part of your which is pure, open, loving, non-judgmental, spacious, free, flexible – this is who/what you really are when you peel back the physical, mental and emotional bodies.

2. The head

If your heart is your spiritual body, the head then is most definitely your mental body. The thinking, rational home. The head is also home to the ego – and not necessarily the arrogant, cockiness you may think of when someone is described as egotistical, or self centered.

Rather, the ego I refer to is that part of you which bombards you with constant mind chatter. That chatter is usually focused on facts and figures, pros and cons, is judgmental, spends a lot of time wondering “what if?” and tends to be limited in its viewpoint, as it doesn’t know all the answers. The mind and its thinking is indeed an important, useful tool, but it’s not who you really are, nor is it connected to that bigger element that connects us all – that is reserved for the heart.

Ever noticed yourself thinking? Which part is thinking and which part caught it? Generally, the head is thinking and the heart caught it.

Which wins: the heart or the head?

That is your decision – you have free will (a whole other post!) but I urge you to follow your heart. As your true self, your spiritual core, your heart is connected to something much bigger. It is energy, it flows and knows where you’re meant to go, even if it doesn’t lay out the steps (as the head will beg it to do). The head, in it’s more logical, step-by-step approach, is not aware of the bigger picture and panics when it cannot see the process or map laid out ahead of it. It doesn’t know what your soul is here to do, what you’re meant to learn. The head is fearful, and often convinces you to stay where it knows how to be in control. It works hard to convince you to listen to and follow it, rather than your heart.

Wouldn’t you prefer to trust in something which knows the bigger life path for you, then relying on a very limited understanding of your path? This is not an easy thing to master, yet, it is at the core of being able to follow your intuition   For this to happen, you must be centred in your heart, not your head, for this to happen.

When discussing big ideas like global peace and a global shift into a higher state of consciousness, most people are either skeptical of these possibilities, or uncertain of how this could possibly come to pass in a world as riddled with challenges as ours. In these scientifically driven times, some people are discovering that within the human body lies a realm of unexplored technologies offering new ways to interact and connect with other people, and with all life on Earth.

 What is the over-looked potential of the human heart? Could it be more than just another organ that helps to keep the body alive?

We give tremendous credit to the brain as being a generator or receiver of consciousness and thought, but could it be that some of our thought processes, especially our intuition, originate not from the brain, but from the heart? Does the human heart have an active role in how we relate both consciously and unconsciously to the material world around us?

Diving into these interesting questions, the Institue of Heart Math is “an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. HeartMath tools, technology and training teach people to rely on the intelligence of their hearts in concert with their minds at home, school, work and play.” [Heart Math]

Some of their research is discovering that the human heart is capable of:

– Providing intuitive guidance to the brain and rational thought systems

– Compassion is an emotion which propels the heart into synergistic energy with the brain and the


– Compassion is an emotion which propels the heart into synergistic energy with the brain and the


– The heart is a source of energy for the body

– The is the primary creator of the bodies electro-magnetic field

– The heart is capable of communicating with others on an unseen level

– The coherence of an individual’s heart’s energetic field contributes to the collective field of

human energy

It appears that our hearts may do so much more than just pump blood.

“The heart – this beating lump of muscle is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy field coming from the heart that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. This energy of the heart literally binds us to each other. Every person’s heart contributes to a ‘collective field environment.

Whether through personal relationships, social connections, or even the global community – we are all connected to a field of electromagnetic energy. Increasing individual awareness of what we bring to this field environment could be the key to creating a sustainable future, a future that we can be proud to have helped create.

Trust. It’s a concept that many of us have a hard time with. 

Particularly in

Develop Your Intuitive Abilities

Developing our intuitive abilities relies on us trusting in ourselves and our creator. We can stop looking outside of ourselves for answers and instead begin to trust in what we sense, hear, feel and know, at the deepest of levels. There is only one rule for accessing our intuitive abilities and that rule is: The answers you receive will always be loving, expansive, nurturing, inclusive and empowering. That is how you will know them…

As you use the playful but effective, tools below, just allow answers to arise within you. Once you feel you have received an answer that makes sense to you, and/or feels expansive in some way, then be sure to note it down. For when we physically record our insights we are essentially acknowledging their power and showing that we value them. I wish you love and beautiful insights

Use the Space of Not Knowing to Allow Solutions to Emerge…

The space of Not Knowing is full of Possibilities and Potentials… What dilemma are you facing? What choice do you have to make? What is the next step in growing your business? How can you generate more joyful income? What is the underlying reason behind your health concern? Whatever space of Not Knowing you’re in; know that it has a solution embedded


Every time I deeply connect with a human heart, I see deep desire to live the Truth. Everyone is seeking to release of old blocks that hold people back from fulfilling their dreams; their destiny. And I love to see that. We as Humanity come to that point in time and space where we seek freedom, to be who we were born to be. We want to share our gifts and wisdom. I call it self realization.

We all are perfect and whole deep within our hearts. We need to embrace that and let go of everything that restricts our freedom to live from our heart that always guides us and shows us the way for the best possible outcome for us and for all. We are highly intuitive beings. The key is to know how to ask for guidance, to believe it and to trust our intuition.

“The guidance you receive when your intuition is aligned with unconditional love is creative, uplifting, lucid and in your highest good.”

I am guided to hold a workshop to release blocks. These blocks may hold you back from living life freely and with full potential.

You will benefit from this workshop, especially if you:

Experiencing relationship difficulties at home, work

Want to end a chapter in your life but you feel uneasy, do not know what to do

Feeling stuck, do not know what steps to take ahead

Want to let go of addiction

Dealing with any issue in your life which brings you negative emotion


Our birthright is to feel love and peace, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and to feel fulfillment in our physical life.

It takes courage and willingness to look at our life and own blocks, only then can we release them. It is always rewarding.


Zaki was born and raised in Italy,  Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. Her educational back ground includes university degrees in Psychology,

She works individually with people, leads seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching & counseling skills. She is an experienced meditator and teacher of meditation.  She has used many different meditation techniques and has helped hundreds of people to learn the art of meditation. She has been on the journey of meditation with the Indian mystic, Osho, the Buddha of our times, who developed a science of transformation for the modern man.

She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 27 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She has training in many therapeutic approaches including Bioenergetic, Hypnosis,  Breath Work, Primal Feeling, Experiencing Trauma Therapy, Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training.  She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator, Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives.  Her work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by her enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, and humor.

Giving time and awareness to your heart is a precious gift. You can still join us on this journey. The event is suitable for beginners and advanced participants, for singles, couples and family members, everyone who wants to spend quality time alone or together. 


Join us for Relaxation -Balance Cleanse,

Release your tension and stress-

feel  the love, 

and peace within-enjoy life!

Sending you boundless love and peace, this very special meditation, as we lovingly honor the Light. Experience the bliss. 

Sending you boundless love and peace.

Wear comfortable clothing

Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.

[email protected]

 Feel free to call for any  information  909) 601-6373‬


December 2, 2024
11:00 am - 7:00 pm