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The Miracle of Self-Love: The Secret Key to Open All Doors
November 4, 2015 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Opening to self Love Meditation, Healing & Sound
To create the life of your dreams, the time has come for you to love You. Focus on Your joy. Do all the things that make You feel good. Love You, inside and out. Everything will change in your life, when you change the inside of you. Allow the Universe to give you every good thing you deserve, by being a magnet to them all. To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love.Love and gratitude will dissolve all negativity in our lives, no matter what form it has taken. Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles.
Your purpose is what you say it is. Your mission is the mission you give yourself. Your life will be what you create it as, and no-one will stand in judgment of it, now or ever.
We have to understand that our lesson is to build our love. If our deep love wakes up, all our problems will be solved. The power of our love will extend to all the world, all creatures, animals, plants. But first of all, we have to love ourselves. If our soul is awake nothing can hold us back, our love will turn into super power.
Love is therapy, and there is no other therapy in the world except love. It is always love that heals, because love makes you whole. Love makes you feel welcome in the world. Love makes you a part of existence; it destroys alienation. Then you are no more an outsider here, but utterly needed. Love makes you feel needed, and to be needed is the greatest need. Nothing else can fulfill that great need.
Yes, I would like you to love yourself, because unless you love yourself you cannot love anybody else. You don’t know what love is if you have not loved yourself. But before you can love yourself you have to know yourself; hence love is secondary, meditation is primary.
Relax into the delicious space of the heart. Allow yourself to open up and receive the Love that is always there.
Guided Meditation
Using hypnosis, you first reconnect with your body/mind, making friends with it, and then start a healing process by communicating with your unconscious.
is a focused way of meditating, to get in a higher state of consciousness in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose. It is very hard for people to shut of their active minds when meditating.
Guided Mediation helps us to breathe, relax and focus our thoughts and intentions on a specific goal or purpose. Through the use of our imagination and visualization we can draw light and energy into our bodies. We can awaken latent areas of our minds and beings. We can experience ourselves opening up to a higher purpose and feel reality shifting within our being.
When we are in that space, Zaki will use the sound of specially tuned carefully selected fragrances of exotic aromatherapy, specific frequencies of Aura Soma colored light, and several types of Reiki to heal your body, mind, & spirit.
The Open Heart Meditation also helps cleanse negative energy and emotions from your heart and replace it with Love & Light in a very gentle, surrendered way.
Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful after the Open Heart Meditation. With practice, as our heart becomes stronger, we become more peaceful, joyful and able to follow our heart’s own inner guidance to be happier in our daily life.
Join us for Relaxation -Meditation- release your tension and stress- feel love and peace within-enjoy life!
We all need healing, we all need peace of mind, and we all need Love! This beautiful evening of meditation and healing will touch you in a way you have never experienced before!
Tuning SOUND
The human voice is one of our finest tools to express the heart and soul and to heal the body and spirit. We will do this through toning (making sustained vibratory sounds without melody, rhythm or words).
release stress, pain and tension
experience inner peace
Toning is the universal telepathic language that everyone can learn to use. It is a vital tool for your own healing, and a powerful tool for healing others. The group will do a variety of exercises which may include: Toning for the Pain in Your Body, Toning with Body Work, Toning the Chakras, Toning to Energize Manifestation, Toning for World Peace, and Shamanic Sounding.
Zaki was born and raised in Italy. She has been working with people as a therapist, healer and spiritual counselor since 1987. She works individually with people, leads seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching & counseling skills. She is an experienced meditator and teacher of meditation. She has used many different meditation techniques and has helped hundreds of people to learn the art of meditation. She has been on the journey of meditation with the Indian mystic, Osho, the Buddha of our times, who developed a science of transformation for the modern man.
She has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She has training in many therapeutic approaches including Bioenergetic, Hypnosis, Breath Work, Primal Feeling, Experiencing Trauma Therapy, Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love and the Osho Therapist Training. She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist,and is also a certified meditation facilitator, Energy Counseling, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives. Her work is a synthesis of many years of spiritual and therapeutic practice and is characterized by her enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, and humor.
Giving time and awareness to your heart is a precious gift. You can still join us on this journey. The event is suitable for beginners and advanced participants, for singles, couples and family members, everyone who wants to spend quality time alone or together.
Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time.
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Click here To learn more about Zaki
Join us for Relaxation -Meditation- release your tension and stress- feel love and peace within-enjoy life!
Sending you boundless love and peace.
We invite you to join us for this very special meditation, as we lovingly honor the Light.
Come start your New Year without stress!!
Join us for a beautiful evening of meditation and healing. Zaki’s hypnotic voice, together with soft, celestial music will take us on a journey into deep relaxation, into a place where time stops and healing begins. A place where Love awaits.