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Transform Your Life: The Healing Power of Breath
December 8, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Improving and transform your life
Breath Workshop & Bioenergetic
Bioenergetic is the basis of this form of therapy is the relevance of the body’s own energy to the emotional and psychological well-being of the person. In order to achieve emotional health, energy must be permitted to flow freely through the mind and the body. Bioenergetic analysis is built on the foundation that each person is one with his or her body and therefore, all of the life events and experiences are in reality experiences of the body.
The Art of Bio energetic Breathing
Breathing is a powerful tool to open and explore your energy. Through deep -connected breathing- you relax and release repressed emotions and body tensions, allowing the integration of previously unresolved issues.
You move through many different layers of your personality, creating a clear awareness and understanding of unconscious mind patterns.
This technique can also bring you back to your birth, a traumatic experience locked in the unconscious, and even to experiences before birth. Reliving these events makes available incredible resources of energy and brings you to a new -Yes- and deep trust towards life.
A potent tool for personal growth and transformation
Breathing is a potent tool for the stimulation of personal growth and transformation.
Breath to reveal personal habits, limitations and resistance to full experience of life.
Breathing with your body
And what’s the point of all this breathing?
Breathing is stimulating. It induces heightened and altered states of awareness and sensation.
The surprising challenges of deep breathing
Breath Workshops are a powerful tool for transformation, healing and re connection to the true essence of who you are. For thousands of years, mystical traditions of the world have utilized breathing techniques for healing and awakening to higher states of consciousness. The process itself is very simple and pure. A circular, connected, breathing rhythm will take you into self exploration and non-ordinary states of consciousness.
With your “Higher Self” guiding the process, each session is unique to where you are on your life’s journey as old wounds, imprints, beliefs and dysfunctional patterns are released. A “transformed you” will experience the mystery of who you are. The breathing process is highly experiential and the healing wisdom will stay with you long after the day’s journey.
The Opening the Heart that provides a safe and supportive environment for accessing feelings, working through blocked emotions,reconnecting with core truths, and learning to live more fully from the heart.
This workshop will bring you more into the space of the heart, being in the heart center helps to quiet the mind and allows us to let go of old and unhealthy thought patterns, traumas, and negative emotions that can keep us stuck in the past.
This format enables you to progress quickly and gives you many opportunities to be able to feel and use your heart in a variety of different ways so that you are able to experience your heart more directly and more deeply.
This group helps you to open your self to an intimate, trusting and compassionate way of living – alone or together with a partner. You will learn to bring new light into your life and affairs.
Power Breathing advancing into gentle and expanding
Oceanic Breathing
Allows you to move from the opening of your body and mind into the opening of your heart and the expansion into the ocean of love. You will gain courage to let go of your fear of intimacy and to live with a breathing heart and a laughing spirit. This process helps you to heal from the experiences related to painful relationships and to transform yourself using the power of self-love and meditation. In an uplifting journey you ride on the waves of breath, breathing beyond all the tension and anxiety towards a transformation in your life – a transformation from suffering to blissfulness.
Truly our breath is a diamond, which needs to be rediscovered and polished to shine with all its facets into each dimension of our life. A colorful spectrum of breathing devices is waiting for us to be used for deepening and refining our breathing. It allows us to grow into amazing experiences of pleasure, intimacy and spirituality. Once our breathing balances we find deep harmony in life.
A good breath brings great health and inner transformation. But living in constant hurry and over activity we are insensitive to the most beautiful jewel we carry inside of us. A good breath oxygenates, energizes and cleans our body. It clears our mind and balances our emotions. It is preventive medicine. The profound health effects of physical exercising, the pleasure of sex or the silence of meditation are all related to our breathing.
Especially one function of our breathing is widely forgotten: it gives our body a healing massage from the inside. The movement of our diaphragm, which is the big breathing muscle in the center of our body, gives a constant massage to our inner organs in belly and chest. It cleanses them from waste, allows a good blood circulation, oxygen supply and keeps us young and healthy.
During this one day workshop you will experience intense transformational breathing to dissolve barriers and blockages in the body (physical and emotional). This is a very dynamic workshop and while it can be attended by those with no previous experience.
We will begin each breath session by looking at your individual needs and setting your intention, so if you know what it is you would like to clear from your life or work on then that can be incorporated into the session. If you do not know quite what to focus on then we will set a general intention to clear or work on what is most needed at that point in time.
Life is a great journey and it gives us a great opportunity to grow and reach enlightenment or liberation: live the fire of life and you will transcend all boundaries of the body and the mind and will find ultimate ecstasy and bliss. The wind that keeps this fire alive is our breath.
13 Health Benefits of Deep Breathing
1. Respiratory System Works Better
Respiratory difficulties such as bronchitis and even chest pain can subside.
2. Digestive System Does Its Job
What I have learned through my health-coaching is that constipation is very common and is often due to shallow breathing. When people learn to breathe into their lower abdomen they begin to have regular bowel movements right away.
Breathing into the gut massages the internal organs to function well. It calms the emotions which directly affects the digestion system.
3. Lymph System Works Well
Increases circulation of lymphatic fluid which speeds recovery after illnesses.
4. Circulation System Moves
Increases oxygen to the heart.
Blood circulates, relieving congestion throughout the body.
There is a flow of oxygen to the brain and eyes.
5. Immune System has More Energy
Helps tissues to regenerate and heal.
Creates more energy for the body to heal and detoxify. 6. Nervous System is Calmer
Anxiety can be reversed by deep-breathing habits.
You may start to see balance in the two sides of the brain.
7. Muscular and Structurally you Move
When you breathe easier you move easier.
Reduces muscular tension.
Increases flexibility and strength of joints.
8. Cleansing Systems Work Better
Excess fluids are eliminated through the breath.
Stress on organs is lessened, allowing the body to naturally cleanse.
9. Mentally Present
Mental observation and concentration is improved.
Greater productivity and learning.
Better decision making.
10. Physical Appearance is Better
Wrinkles are less from improved circulation.
Breathing deeply relaxes the body, reducing feelings of stress.
Releases endorphins, natural painkillers that create a natural highs and easy sleep.
Creates more awareness and self-love leading to a healthier life.
12. Relationships
Self-love can help to have greater compassion for others..
13. Spirituality
Deepens meditation.
Intuition increases when you’re relaxed.
Creativity increases.
After the breathing exercises, Zaki will take us on a guided visualization to go even deeper.
Relax into the delicious space of the heart. Allow yourself to open up and receive the Love that is always there.
Zaki’s hypnotic voice, together with soft, celestial music will take us on a journey into deep relaxation, into a place where time stops and healing begins. A place where Love awaits.
Guided Meditation:
Using hypnosis, you first reconnect with your body/mind, making friends with it, and then start a healing process by communicating with your unconscious mind.
It is a focused way of meditating, to get in a higher state of consciousness in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose. It is very hard for people to shut off their active minds when meditating.
Guided Mediation helps us to breathe, relax and focus our thoughts and intentions on a specific goal or purpose. Through the use of our imagination and visualization we can draw light and energy into our bodies. We can awaken latent areas of our minds and beings. We can experience ourselves opening up to a higher purpose and feel reality shifting within our being.
When we are in that space, Zaki will use the sound of specially tuned crystal bowls, tuning forks, carefully selected fragrances of exotic aromatherapy, specific frequencies of Aura Soma, laser pen (colored light therapy), and several types of Reiki to heal your body, mind, & spirit.
Click here to learn more about Zaki
Zaki DeLuca
Zaki was born and raised in Italy,Has been working with people as a therapist, spiritual counselor and friend since 1987. She experienced meditator and teacher of meditation. Over many years, she has used many different meditation techniques and has helped hundreds of people to get the knack of meditation. She has been on the journey of meditation with the Indian mystic, Osho, the Buddha of our times, who developed a science of transformation for the modern man. She works individually with people, leads groups, training’s and seminars and has a broad range of expertise including teaching counseling skills. Zaki has been practicing meditation and transformational therapy for the last 25 years here in the states and at the residence of the Osho Multiversity and Meditation Resort in Pune, India. This center is the largest personal growth center in the world and has thousands of visitors from over 100 countries each year. She is a certified Osho Breath Therapist, Reiki Master, and Osho Transformational .Therapist, which includes certifications in a variety of healing modalities including counseling. She has helped thousands of people to transform their passion to live happy, peaceful lives, into their daily reality. She finds the most efficient route to creating and sustaining a beautiful and powerful.
Join us for a relaxing one day retreat. Release your tension and stress. Feel love and peace within. Enjoy life!
If you love your friends, invite them to try this experience so unique, I think it will thank you.
Join us for Relaxation – release your tension and stress- feel love and peace within-enjoy life
Sending you boundless love and peace.
Doors will be closed once we begin, please come on time
Wear loose clothes. You do not need yoga mats, as meditation cushions, are provided by us.
We will provide vegetarian lunch, snacks, fruit, and water
909) 601-637
[email protected]