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Usui Reiki II-Degree Certification-Training
November 2, 2015 @ 11:30 am - 5:00 pm
Deposit: $100.00 & interview (required)
Total Cost: $250.00
If you’re a Reiki I Practitioner and want to go to the next level,
then here’s a rare opportunity to learn from one of the best. Your instructor, Zaki De Luca, is a Reiki Grand-Master with over 25 years experience. She holds 9 Reiki Master-Teacher degrees in five different kinds of Reiki. She has taught Reiki to hundreds of people around the world, empowering many to heal themselves & others.
Level II is two full days of total Reiki immersion. Here, you will sharpen your skills and take your ability with Reiki to a whole new level. You will receive three attunements from Zaki herself to open your etheric channels so the energy can flow more freely through you. You will be given three very powerful symbols to work with and expert advice on how and when to use them; one for Power, one for the Mind, and one for Healing.
In Reiki I, you learned primarily how to heal yourself. Now, you will learn how to heal others. Zaki will not only teach you how to heal others but she will also share with you her many personal experiences over the years in the art of healing others; what works, what doesn’t and why.
You will also learn how to do distance healing, where the limitations of time and space no longer apply. Here you will be able to send healing energy to anyone, anytime, and anyplace.
You will also learn how to use this energy not only for healing, but for energizing objects, attracting what you want, improving relationships, changing situations, protection, and how to clear a home or office of negative energies.
As an added bonus, you will also learn how to use crystals, color, light, sound and pyramids to enhance the energy and the healing experience. You will also learn how to raise your vibration through a variety of techniques, you will learn about the value of meditation & inner work, and how to connect with your Higher Self so you can receive clear guidance.
Reiki Second Degree (Reiki 2) provides powerful healing tools for those who want to take responsibility for their lives, enabling them to heal themselves and situations. Reiki brings a deeper understanding energies as well as an increase in healing abilities. This is practitioner level and gives the student core tools to work with in their healing role.
There tends to be a considerable increase in healing ability. Practitioners can “send” healing to people, places and situations, cleanse spaces energetically, and work powerfully on the emotional and mental bodies to facilitate much deeper healings for themselves and their clients.
The course material includes
The Reiki Symbols
Practical energy work with the Reiki Symbols
Space clearing
Creating Sacred Space
Practical hands on treatment using variety of techniques
Healing unwanted habits
Spirit release
Distant Healing
Reiju (Empowerment)
Reiki Meditations
Becoming a Practitione
Is a deeper exploration of Japanese healing techniques, and the first three Reiki symbols and their mantras are given during to the participant . They are the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional symbol and the Distant Healing symbol.
The Reiki symbols are keys that help to connect to your higher self energies. You can view them as push-buttons that help you to manifest your desire, since the symbols quickly connect the user to the universal life force (also known as ki, chi or prana). When a Reiki Master passes an attunement to a student, the energy of the symbol is impressed upon the student’s mind and opens the student’s energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) to the metaphysical energies it represents.
When a Reiki practitioner then draws, thinks about or visualizes a symbol it will instantly connect to the energies it represents.
1st symbol:
This is the Power Symbol. Reiki Energy will flow without it, but when you use it, it is believed that the energy increases significantly. It would be as if you had changed the bulb in a lamp from 50 watts to 500 watts. Use at the beginning of the healing session, and at any other time that additional power is needed. It is geared specifically for healing within the physical body.
2nd symbol:
This symbol is used for mental and emotional healing, protection, purification, clearing and balancing. It works with the cause of the disease, which is often hidden in the subconscious mind (the emotional body) and/or the conscious mind (the mental body). When the body manifests dis-ease, it is often attempting to deliver a message that there is something that needs tending, that needs attention within the mental or emotional patterns we carry. The mental and emotional healing symbol balances the right and left brain.
3rd symbol.
This symbol transmits Reiki energy across time and space. Using this symbol you can send Reiki across the room, across town, to other parts of the country or anywhere in the world. Distance is no barrier. You can also use this symbol to bridge time. You can send Reiki into the “future,” where it will store up like a battery, to access at the time you or others will be needing it. Likewise, you can send Reiki into the “past,” to heal issues from earlier in this lifetime, or to past life issues that affect you or others now.
Whenever we experience any emotion other than love, such as fear, feelings of hurt, blame, anger, co-dependency, it’s possible to heal their root cause using Reiki. These feelings might stem from past situations and experiences or even past lives. With distant healing we can send energy back in time for healing and this can have a hugely beneficial effect on how we feel in the present.
You can “program” healing for particular issues that you want to work on, e.g. self-confidence, physical health, clarity, finances, etc. so that you feel balanced, energized and confident throughout the day and you can send healing to future events such as interviews, family gatherings, potentially difficult meetings with people, building work, selling a house, surgical operations and hospital appointments, etc.
What is Reiki?
Reiki pronounced as Ray-Key, is a Japanese word given to an ancient healing system which was re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a theologist and a teacher in the 19 Century. Ki means life force energy and has various names like Chi in China, Prana in Sanskrit. This is present in all of existence and can be tapped to benefit all. This vibrational technique balances, harmonizes and restores our energy system by channelling energy through the energy centres in the palms of our hands. It is a holistic therapy which addresses the body, mind and spirit. It is safe, simple and non-intrusive. It could be used anytime, anywhere and in any situation. Reiki works on animals, Plants and even non-living things. It works beyond thoughts, feelings, faith, believes and region. Disease or ill health is caused when there are blockages to the free flow of this energy. The key to health and well- being is when there is a free flow of ki – Universal life force energy in each part of animate or in-animate matter. Reiki teaches us to connect and channelize this life force energy from the universe to all parts of our own human energy field called Aura. In a Reiki class we learn to feel and sense this human energy field – Aura and to channelize ki -life force energy in the right way so that we can balance the Aura, that is, make the Aura at ease.(As opposed to Dis-ease). Everyone can learn to channel this energy. Reiki dissolves and removes the blockages within the Aura, resulting in free-flow of energy. Reiki, thus helps us to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and empowers us to express and realize our true potential in this lifetime.
• Accelerate Healing of Acute & Chronic Illness
• Assist the Body in Cleansing Toxins
• Balance the Flow of Chi
• Help the Client Emotionally Transform
• Be Safely Used in Conjunction with Other Healing Techniques
• Help Heal And No Religious Belief is Required; Reiki is not a religion.
She does also personal classes.