
539201_503415699705889_660894924_nYou don´t even understand the meaning of the word responsibility. The society has been so cunning. It has destroyed our most beautiful words, given them distorted meanings. Ordinarily in your dictionaries “responsibility” means duty, doing things the way you are expected to do them by your parents, by your teachers, by your priests, by your politicians, by somebody else.

Love is not an effort

542020_354814197935714_340297045_nLove is not an effort, you cannot make an effort to love. If you make an effort, there is no love. You flow into it, you don’t make an effort, you simply allow it to happen, you don’t MAKE an effort. It is not a doing, it is a happening: WITHOUT MAKING AN EFFORT…. And the same is the case with the total, the final: you don’t make an effort, you simply float with it… BUT REMAINING LOOSE AND NATURAL. This is the way

What Happens in Your Brain When You Meditate?


What Happens in Your Brain When You Meditate

Meditation yields a surprising number of health benefits, including stress reduction, improved attention, better memory, and even increased.

There are different ways to meditate, and since it’s such a personal practice, there are probably more than any of us know about. There are a couple that is usually focused on heavily in scientific research, though The other type of meditation that’s often used in research is open-monitoring meditation.

Emotions are always in motion

1741_487849624597317_1291620467_nEmotions are always in motion and are not concerned with you at all.
Those who have taken the pains to watch the cyclic nature of emotions know that emotions keep changing and that too without being concerned about the ‘facts’ of the situation. Sometimes we wake up angry, for no reason. Sometimes we are sad. Sometimes we are happy. Emotions aren’t you, just a part of you. Understanding this will make you more and more relaxed and your actions will not be determined by how you feel but my awareness.

Zorba the Buddha`

Materialism and Spiritualism should walk hand in hand. Do not be antagonistic to wealth if you are spiritual. And if you are wealthy, also seek the heights and depths of meditation. Being fully accepting of both sides of life one can rejoice and take the good from both. Zorba the Buddha makes man complete.

Love Is Nourishment in Itself

“Your question is, ‘Can you talk about the art of nourishing oneself with love?’ There is no art because there is no need of any effort. Love is the nourishment. But humanity has been so confused by its leaders that one does not know the most inner realms of one’s own being. Love is nourishment in itself. The more you love, the more you will find untrodden spaces where love goes on and on spreading around you like an aura.


Meditation is an Experiment: Just Keep Trying


I don’t say cultivate trust, I say experiment with meditation.”

You don’t believe in God? That is not a hindrance to meditation. You don’t believe in soul? That is not a hindrance in meditation. You don’t believe at all? That is not an obstacle. You can meditate, because meditation simply says how to go within wards: whether there is a soul or not doesn’t matter; whether there is a God or not doesn’t matter.

Without finding your center there is no satisfaction possible

1238002_731504860198075_1375480705_nWithout finding your center, there is no satisfaction possible. You can go on searching and you will find many things in life, but nothing is going to satisfy. Just a moment´s illusion when a desire is fulfilled. For a moment you feel good, but only for a moment. As one desire disappears, ten desires arise in its place. Again the whole turmoil starts, again the whole trip. And it is a non-ending process. Only with finding your center does that process stop, that wheel moves no more. Coming home to your center, all desiring disappears – you are utterly satisfied, and forever. It is not a momentary satisfaction. It is contentment, absolute contentment. Coming home inside yourself satisfies, really satisfies. Everything else in life is promised, but only false promises. The goods are never delivered. Many promises that if you have it you will be helped. But people go on becoming richer and richer and happiness never arrives. It is always there like the horizon – very elusive. Relationships give you the idea that everything will be good now and you will live in happiness forever, but it never happens.


600_9764081 Happiness flowing from within reflected from somewhere in the outside, the outside functioning as a mirror. And if you think that this happiness is coming from the outside, it is called pleasure. We are in search of happiness, not in search of pleasure. So unless you can have glimpses of happiness, you cannot stop your pleasure-seeking efforts. Indulgence means search for pleasure. A conscious effort is needed. For two things. One: Whenever you feel a moment of pleasure is there, transform it into a meditative situation. Whenever you feel you are feeling pleasure, happy,joyful, close your eyes and look within, and see from where it is coming. Don’t lose this moment; this is precious. If you are not conscious you may continue thinking that it comes from without, and that’s the fallacy of the world. If you are conscious, meditative, if you search for the real source, sooner or later you will come to know it is flowing from within. Once you know that it always flows from within, it is something that you have already got, the indulgence will drop, and this will be the first step of desirelessness. Then you are not seeking, not hankering. You are not killing desires, you are not fighting with desires, you have simply found something greater. Desires don’t look so important now. They wither away….