When you are sharing your joy,you don´t create a prison for anybody ,you simply give. You don´t even expect gratitude or thankfulness because you are giving, not to get anything, not even gratitude. You are giving because you are so full, you have to give.
Month: November 2015
Meditation Is Not for the Suffering Type
A message for these times, when even though the light of truth is beginning to shine in some places, the veil of ignorance appears to be descending more and more in others and many of our sisters are shrouded in suffering. My emphasis is to give respect to women and equality is not against men. It is a world which belongs to you both and you both have to be together to make it as beautiful and as divine as possible.” OSHO
Changes are easy if you allow. Laughter is the most easy thing in the world if you allow, but it has become hard. People laugh very rarely, and even when they laugh it is not true. People laugh as if they are obliging somebody, as if they are fulfilling a certain duty. Laughter is fun. You are not obliging anybody! Just as with love. . .you are not obliging anybody. Love is fun. Laughter is fun. Life is fun. But somehow the idea has gone very deeply into the mind that you are fulfilling duties.
Osho on Change

Hypnosis In The Service Of Meditation
Was the door, has always been the door to meditation.
“Once a man enters into the world of meditation, he has such clarity, such a strength, so much life arising in him that he no longer needs any father in heaven. He no longer needs any priest to pray for him. He himself has become prayer – not prayer to any God, but simply a prayerfulness, a gratitude to the whole.” Osho
A technique particularly easy and fruitful for women….
“This is a very simple method but it works miraculously — try it. And anyone can try it, there is no danger. The first thing is to be in an easy relaxed position — relaxed in a position that is easy for you. Don’t try a particular position or ASANA. Buddha sits in a particular posture. It is easy for him. It also can become easy for you if you practise it for a time being, but in the very beginning it will not be easy for you. And there is no need to practise it: start from any posture that comes easy to you right now. Don’t struggle with the posture. You can sit in an easy chair and relax. The only thing is your body must be in a relaxed state.
21 days NO complaining Challenge! Everyone is invited!
A pastor of a Kansas City church told people in his congregation he wanted them to test their limits. “The one thing we can agree on,” said Rev. Will Bowen, “is there’s too much complaining.” And so he asked the group to give up complaining, criticizing, gossiping or using sarcasm for 21 days. People who joined in were issued purple bracelets as a reminder of their pledge. If they caught themselves complaining, they were supposed to take off the bracelet, switch it to the opposite wrist and start counting the days from scratch. Rev. Bowen said it took him three and a half months to put together 21 complaint-free days! Since then over a half million people have joined in! It takes 21 days to create a habit!