“It is easy to meditate if you don’t want to be blissful — it is very easy to meditate. If you want just to be blissful and you don’t want to be in meditation, that too is easy. The rarest combination is meditation plus bliss. Meditation minus bliss is easy; bliss minus meditation is easy. But meditation minus bliss is not true meditation and bliss minus meditation is not true bliss either. They are true only when they are together.
Author: Zaki de Luca
People often make me feel stupid, how can I change this?
Their happiness depends on others, hence it creates dependence. The husband is happy because of the wife and the wife is happy because of the husband. This is what I call false happiness because you cannot depend on the other, there is no guarantee. The other may turn his back on you at any moment – the other is not reliable.
Osho – Become Master Of Yourself
Osho – Become Master Of Yourself
The Western world has not come in contact with the tremendous reality that happens in the meeting of a master and a disciple. Of course, it is not visible. It is just like love, but far greater and far deeper and far more mysterious.
Sadness & silent
Sadness is silent , it is yours , it is coming because you are alone . It is giving you a chance to go deeper in to your aloneness. Rather than jumping from shallow happiness to another to another shallow happiness and wasting your life , it is better to use sadness as a mean for meditation witness it. It is a friend ,it open the door of your enternal aloneness………
Love is always new. It never becomes old because it is non-accumulative, non-hoarding.
It knows no past; it is always fresh, as fresh as the dewdrops. It lives moment to moment, it is atomic. It has no continuity, it knows no tradition. Each moment it dies and each moment it is born again. It is like breath: you breathe in, you breathe out; again you breathe in and you breathe out. You don’t hoard it inside.
You are unhappy because you have chosen a wrong attitude towards life.
You are unhappy because you have chosen a wrong attitude towards life. You can be happy if you choose a right attitude. Buddha pays so much attention to ‘right attitude.’ He makes it a base, a foundation — right attitude. What is right attitude? What is the criterion? To me this is the criterion: the attitude that makes you happy is the right attitude, and there is no objective criterion. The attitude that makes you unhappy and miserable is the wrong attitude. The criterion is subjective; your happiness is the criterion.” Osho
The moment you judge a part of yourself
You are dividing yourself into two. You are a whole. All these tricks you have learned about division have to be dropped. You have learned to divide yourself into the godly part and the devilish part, the good and the bad, the high and the low. Drop all divisions. That’s what acceptance means. Acceptance means there is no question of condemnation and whatever is the case, you accept it. Suddenly, there comes a transformation in your being. When I say accept, I say accept all and drop all the compartments. Become one and everything is good. Anger also has its part to play and hate is needed too. In fact, whatever you have, everything is needed – maybe in a different arrangement, that’s all. But nothing is to be denied or rejected. Osho
Everything is ordinary, or everything is extraordinary.
Whatsoever you want to choose, whichever word appeals to you – everything is important, everything, not excluding anything at all; or nothing is important. Both mean the same, because the moment everything is important, or everything is not important, the very word ‘important’ loses meaning. The meaning remains only if there are some things which are important and some things which are not important, a few things ordinary and a few things extraordinary. Then the word carries meaning. But if everything is exactly either important or unimportant, then the word loses meaning.
One difference I see is that a woman is more capable of love than a man is
A man’s love is more or less a physical necessity; a woman’s love is not. It is something greater and higher; it is a spiritual experience. That’s why the woman is monogamous and man is polygamous. The man would like to have all the world’s women, and still he would not be satisfied. His discontent is infinite.