The moment you judge a part of yourself

Osho Meditation and Multiversity Center of California

Osho Meditation and Multiversity Center of California

You are dividing yourself into two. You are a whole. All these tricks you have learned about division have to be dropped. You have learned to divide yourself into the godly part and the devilish part, the good and the bad, the high and the low. Drop all divisions. That’s what acceptance means. Acceptance means there is no question of condemnation and whatever is the case, you accept it. Suddenly, there comes a transformation in your being. When I say accept, I say accept all and drop all the compartments. Become one and everything is good. Anger also has its part to play and hate is needed too. In fact, whatever you have, everything is needed – maybe in a different arrangement, that’s all. But nothing is to be denied or rejected. Osho

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