Take a break and meditate on the meaning of life,
the purpose of being alive.
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Namasté to all my friend
I bow to ecstasy is a feeling that comes
Only when the heart is tuned to that pitch of Love
Which melts it,
Which makes it Tender,
Which gives it Gentleness,
Which makes it Humble.
When we raise ourselves through meditation to what unites us with the spirit, we quicken something within us, that is eternal and unlimited by birth and death. Once we have experienced this eternal part in us, we can no longer doubt its existence. Meditation is thus the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential center of our being.
Just enjoy the sheer being
Just enjoy
the sheer being,
the sheer joy that we are…
the sheer joy of the sky,
the trees and the birds
this miracle
that is happening around you,
this fantastic world,
this incredible existence.
Two hearts meet, it is a love affair
All the mystics all over the world have always felt impotent as far as communication is concerned.
Communion is possible, but communication, no. This has to be understood from the very beginning. A
Communion is a totally different dimension: two hearts meet, it is a love affair. Communication is from the head
There are one hundred and twelve methods of meditation, but witnessing is an essential part of all one hundred and twelve methods. So as far as I am concerned, witnessing is the only method. Those one hundred and twelve are different applications of witnessing.
How can happiness be bad?
These two people offer an example of how much we can be attached to our way of life, even if it makes us suffer. We are scared to let go of what we know and open up to what we don’t know, even if this unknown quantity is a good feeling. This dynamic comes from an incorrect concept of happiness that is deeply rooted in our society.
First frost -My way lies northeast facing the stars
First frost -My way lies northeast facing the stars
That is the way for everyone who is going deeper into meditation. It seems you are going deeper into meditation, but simultaneously, something in you is going higher towards the stars. It is happening simultaneously. The roots go deeper and the tree goes higher.
Peaceful heart.
This Precious … Moment Meditation is the simple practice of observing one’s direct experience in the moment with a gently relaxed, open and careful awareness. By learning to be present with this attitude, we are able to access our natural qualities – a spacious, calm clear mind; a warm and peaceful heart.
Magic Hands Reiki Class For Children: Certification Training
Reiki is a natural form of energy healing that utilizes the Universal Life Force Energy to expedite and strengthen a person’s own natural ability to heal. Parents who wish to be present during the class are asked to observe quietly from the back of the room, so that all the students are focused independently on the class activities. They learn self-care and self-reliance because they can use the energy to help themselves wherever they are at anytime. They also learn valuable lessons in compassion, because they are able to give healing energy to family, friends and their pets as they instinctively lay their hands on those that they want to help.Children of all ages love the energy of Reiki. They know when they want the energy and for how long they want it. Children are sensitive to the energy and seem to take it in at a quicker rate than adults do. They report feelings of warmth and relaxation. To put it simply they think that it is “cool”.
THE COMPASSION OF MASTERS*** I HAVE HEARD about a very great Zen Master who had become very old and almost blind at the age of ninety-six, and he was no longer able to teach or work about the monastery. Yamamoto was his name. THE OLD MAN THEN DECIDED IT WAS TIME TO DIE because he was of no use to anybody. He could not be of any help, so he stopped eating. When asked by his monks why he refused his food, he replied that he had outlived his usefulness and was only a bother to everybody. They told him, “If you die now” — it was January — “when it is so cold, everybody will be uncomfortable at your funeral and you will be an even greater nuisance. So please eat!” This can happen only in a Zen monastery, because disciples love the Master so deeply — their respect is so deep that there is no need for any formality. Just see what they are saying: they are saying, “If you die now and it is January, see… It is so cold, everybody will be uncomfortable at the funeral and you will be an even greater nuisance! So please eat!” He thereupon resumed eating. But when it became warm again, he stopped, and not long after quietly toppled over and died. SUCH COMPASSION! One lives, then for compassion, one dies, then for compassion. One is even ready to choose a right time to die, so that nobody is bothered and one need not be a nuisance.