Without finding your center, there is no satisfaction possible. You can go on searching and you will find many things in life, but nothing is going to satisfy. Just a moment´s illusion when a desire is fulfilled. For a moment you feel good, but only for a moment. As one desire disappears, ten desires arise in its place. Again the whole turmoil starts, again the whole trip. And it is a non-ending process.Only with finding your center does that process stop, that wheel moves no more. Coming home to your center, all desiring disappears – you are utterly satisfied, and forever. It is not a momentary satisfaction. It is contentment, absolute contentment. Coming home inside yourself satisfies, really satisfies.
Articles and posts for Blog
Falling in love, you remain still a child
Every love affair is a failure, without excepti
You are all in search of a secret love. And you are all trying to find it in somebody else. Hence the frustration of all lovers except those who are never allowed to meet. Only those who are never allowed to meet are remembered, for centuries, for their great love.
In love pain is a blessing
Love is painful, but the pain is certainly a blessing. Love is painful because love brings growth. Love demands, transforms and is painful because love gives you a new birth.
How to be Happy
How to be Happy … 1 -Make up your mind to be happy. Learn to find pleasure in simple things. 2- Make the best of your circumstances. No one has everything , and everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is to make the laughter outweigh the tears. 3 -Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t think that somehow you should be protected from misfortune that befalls other people. 4 -You can’t please everybody. Don’t let criticism worry you. 5 -Don’t let your neighbor set your standards. Be yourself. 6 -Do the things you enjoy doing , but stay out of debt. 7- Never borrow trouble. Imaginary things are harder to bear than real ones. 8- Since hate poisons the soul , do not cherish jealously , enmity , grudges . Avoid people who make you unhappy. 9 -Have many interests. If you can’t travel , read about new places. 10 -Don’t hold postmortems. Don’t spend your time brooding over sorrows or mistakes. Don’t be one who never gets over things. 11- Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself. 12 -Keep busy at something . A busy person never has time to be unhappy
Love is not an effort
Love is not an effort, you cannot make an effort to love. If you make an effort, there is no love. You
flow into it, you don’t make an effort, you simply allow it to happen, you don’t MAKE an effort. It is not a
Love & Fear
Happiness & sadness
Meditation is nothing but the art of opening your eyes.
The art of cleansing your eyes. the art of dropping the dust that has gathered on the mirror of your consciousness. It is natural, dust gathers. Man has been traveling and traveling for thousands of lives – dust gathers. We are all travelers, much dust has gathered – so much so that the mirror has completely disappeared. There is only dust upon dust, layers and layers of dust, and you cannot see the mirror. But the mirror is still there – it cannot be lost, because it is your very nature. If it can be lost then it will not be your nature. It is not that you have a mirror: you ARE the mirror. The traveler is the mirror – he cannot lose it, he can only forget it. At the most, forgetfulness.
The first thing is to be loving to yourself
In that flowering you will attract some other flower. It is natural. Stones attract stones; flowers attract flowers. Then there is a relationship which has grace, which has beauty, which has a benediction in it. If you can find such a relationship, your relationship will grow into prayer; your love will become an ecstasy and through love you will know what the divine is.