Live a life of sheer joy and ecstasy

forgottenLive a life which has no idea of purpose, which has no search for meaning.

Live a life of sheer joy and ecstasy — that is the only way to live. Every other way is only to commit a slow suicide. That’s what happens when you are too much interested in goals: today goes by without being lived, and tomorrow remains important — and tomorrow never comes. Whenever it comes it is today. And you learn a wrong habit of losing that which is and of thinking of something which is not. Every day it will happen: each tomorrow will come as today, and you will not be interested in it and you will be interested in the tomorrow, and the tomorrow is never going to come.


To accept the challenge of the unknown is courage

424586_292387950866083_1777712053_nIn the beginning there is no big difference between the coward and the courageous person. Both have fear. The difference is, the coward listens to his fears and follows them. The courageous person puts them aside and goes ahead. The fears are there, he knows them, but the courageous person goes into the unknown in spite of all the fears. Courage does not mean fearlessness, but going into the unknown in spite of all the fears. When you go into the uncharted sea, like Columbus did, there is fear, immense fear, because one never knows what is going to happen and you are leaving the shore of safety. You were perfectly okay, in a way; only one thing was missing – adventure. Going into the unknown gives you a thrill. The heart starts pulsating; again you are alive, fully alive. Every fiber of your being is alive because you have accepted the challenge of the unknown. To accept the challenge of the unknown is courage. The fears are there, but if you go on accepting the challenge again and again, slowly, slowly those fears disappear. The joy that the unknown brings, the great ecstasy that starts happening with the unknown, makes you strong enough, gives you a certain integrity, makes your intelligence sharp. You start feeling that life is not just a boredom. Life is an adventure. Slowly, slowly fears disappear and you go on seeking and searching for new adventures. Courage is risking the known for the unknown, the familiar for the unfamiliar, the comfortable for the uncomfortable arduous pilgrimage to some unknown destination. One never knows whether one will be able to make it or not. It is a gambling, but only the gamblers know what life is. Osho

Happiness is Where You Are

1526526_1445133809038130_1480203532_nMan is in misery, and man has remained in misery down the centuries. Rarely can you find a human being who is not miserable. It is so rare that it almost seems unbelievable. That’s why Buddhas are never believed. People don’t believe that they ever existed. People can’t believe it. They can’t believe it because of their own misery. The misery is such, and they are entangled into it so deeply, that they don’t see that any escape is possible.

Life is Always River

1932490_10203475718879358_348639753_nThe love I am talking about has nothing to do with our so-called relationships. Our relationships are arbitrary. The love which is eternal relates but it never creates relationships. It relates; it relates to trees, to the sun, to the moon, to the wind, to the people, to the animals, to the earth, to the rocks – it is a twenty -four -hour- a- day relating – but it does not create any relationship.



Step 1: Daily Watching 
“Start being aware with day-to-day, routine actions, and while you are doing your routine actions, remain relaxed.

There is no need to be tense. When you are washing your floor, what is the need to be tense? Or when you are cooking the food, what is the need to be tense? There is not a single time in life that requires your tension. It is just your unawareness and your impatience.