10422480_10152550398824010_8773463825579444692_nThe guide is not outside, the guide is within you. One has to go deeper into one´s own being to find the guide. Once the inner guide is found there are no more mistakes, no repentance, no guilt. There is no question of doing good or doing bad; whatsoever one does is good. It is not a question of morality either; one´s very being is good and whatsoever comes out of it is good. One walks in light and one walks lightly because the head and the burden of the head is no more there. And when one walks in light and walks lightly, life becomes laughter, love, joy.



971475_592187327479932_1208228484_nMan  naturally, should be a vegetarian, because the whole body is made for vegetarian food. Even scientists concede to the fact that the whole structure of the human body shows that man should not be a non-vegetarian. Man comes from the monkeys. Monkeys are vegetarians, absolute vegetarians. If Darwin is true then man should be a vegetarian.



Very soon hypnosis is going to be one of the most important sciences to be developed, because man’s mind is in such a tension, in so much misery, in so much anguish that he has to use alcohol, marijuana, hashish, opium and all kinds of drugs just to forget, just to get rid of all the anxieties although he knows it is only temporary. Tomorrow when he wakes up all those anxieties will be waiting at the door; they have not gone anywhere. Hypnosis can transform you very easily without any drugs.


  539201_503415699705889_660894924_nMind is like a mirror. Meditation is nothing but a cleansing of consciousness. It gathers dust: the dust of experience, the dust of thoughts, the dust of memories, the dust of desires; layers upon layers of dust. And it is natural: each mirror gathers dust, and mind is a mirror. If the dust becomes too thick, then you become blind, then you can’t see – and  that’s the state millions of people exist in. The mirror is there but covered with such dense dust that it reflects no more.
