The soul is made of love and must strive to always return to it. Consequently, he never finds rest nor happiness in other things. Must be lost in love.
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Meditation for Beginners
20 Practical Tips for Quieting the Mind
Meditation is the art of focusing 100% of your attention in one area. The practice comes with a myriad of well-publicized health benefits including increased concentration, decreased anxiety, and a general feeling of happiness.
We are all connected
We are all connected. When you touch one thing, you are touching everything. Whatever we do has an effect on others. Therefore, we must learn to live mindfully to touch the peace inside each of us.
Peace in the world starts with peace in oneself. If everyone lives mindfully, everyone will be more healthy, feel more fulfilled in their daily lives and there will be more peace. This collective mindfulness can bring positive change to our families, organizations, communities, nations and future generation.
But it is the most difficult thing in the world, because once you are in love, you are in god. Love is the way to god, the bridge.
The sunny radiance of eternal light
Illuminate all with your kind eyes and send them penetrating compassion.
Let’s look deeply into the art of manifesting happiness. Plant virtuous seeds that bring the abundance of joy.
Feel the strong rays of truthful existence emerge from your heart.
A deep peace has entered my life
A deep peace has entered my life, grounding me into Earth.
Divine ecstasy and eternal blessings flowing from the great river of truth.
Immeasurable time,flashes before your eyes.Revealing a unforeseen mystery,a hidden dimension of God.
TO BE FRIENDLY WITH ONE’S MIND IS ONE OF THE GREATEST STEPS IN SELF-TRANSFORMATION. True silence is when you don’t cultivate it, but on the contrary, you start looking into your anguish, anxiety, tensions, thoughts, all of your mad mind… When you look into it deeply, perceptively, sympathetically, lovable, because you want to understand. It is your mind and you want to understand it, because without understanding it you will never be wise, without understanding it you will never become known to yourself; there is no possibility of self-knowledge. And without self-knowledge, all other kinds of knowledge are just futile. So try to understand your mind. Don’t condemn it, don’t repress it. Give it full play… Allow it. Bring all that is thrown into the basement back into the consciousness. Allow everything to come to the surface so you can see, watch, observe, analyze, look into, with no prejudice, with no antagonism.
Love is the most healing force in the world; nothing goes deeper than love. It heals not only the body, not only the mind, but also the soul. If one can love then all one´s wounds disappear. Then one becomes whole – and to be whole is to be holy.
Love is not something which we can create
Love is not something which we can create; it is something given. It is inbuilt in our very being. It is not something that we produce later on; it comes with our birth, it is a natural energy. We may deny it expression; then it becomes a repressed force. It can turn sour, bitter, poisonous, if it is repressed. If it is not repressed, it is grace, pure grace, beauty, bliss, benediction.