Hypnosis can be created in two ways. Because of the first, people became impressed by the Christian propaganda that it is dangerous. That is hetero-hypnosis: somebody else hypnotizes you, a hypnotist hypnotizes you. There are so many wrong ideas attached, and the most fundamental is that the hypnotist has the power to hypnotize you. That is absolutely wrong. The hypnotist has the technique, not the power.”There is something hypnotic about the word “hypnosis.” It arouses curiosity, fear, attraction. What is it actually, and what is the source of this word? The concept of hypnosis is attributed to a charismatic 18th-century healer named Franz Anton Mesmer. The term refers to Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep, because most forms of mesmerism at that time involved the production often of an apparently sleep-like condition. In spite of all controversies surrounding hypnosis, most clinicians now agree it can be a powerful, effective therapeutic technique for healing a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety and mood disorders. Hypnosis can also help people to change their habits and other self-harming patterns. Interestingly, very little has been explored for the use of this powerful tool in the field of meditation. This month we present excerpts from various Osho talks around its use to deepen our relaxation and meditation. “The secret of hypnosis is that it takes you to the unconscious, and then you can put the seed of anything in the unconscious, and it will grow, blossom. The blossoming will happen in the conscious, but the roots will remain in the unconscious. “As far as I am concerned, hypnosis is going to be one of the most significant parts of the mystery school. Such a simple method, which only demands a little trust, a little innocence, can bring miraculous changes in your life – and not in ordinary things only. Slowly it can become the path of your meditation. “You meditate, but you don’t succeed. You don’t succeed in watching; you get mixed up with thoughts, you forget watching. You remember later on, ‘I was going to watch, but I am thinking.’ Hypnosis can help you; it can make the watcher and the thoughts separate. “For spiritual growth I don’t think there is anything more important than hypnosis.”Osho
Articles and posts for Blog
Children Should be Treated With Great Respect
All the societies have done just the opposite: they have been teaching children to respect the parents, respect the elders, the grandparents.
It was a continuous problem for me because in India the families are joined.
Have More interests In Life
Don’t be always a businessman. Sometimes play too. Don’t be just a doctor or an engineer, or a headmaster, or a professor – be as many things as possible! Play cards, play the violin, sing a song, be an amateur photographer, a poet…. Find as many things as possible in life, and then you will have richness.
I am not a Perfect Maste
Im a very ordinary man, as ordinary as you are. But I am celebrating myself. I celebrate myself, I sing myself. And I can remind you that you can also celebrate yourself, and you can also sing yourself. And if an ordinary man like me can celebrate, that should give you a great joy – because you can also celebrate – you need not be special… Nothing special is needed. All that is needed is already with you. You just have to be reminded.
MY APPROACH IS TOTAL. I don’t teach you to choose. I simply say: whatsoever is the case, THE INTELLIGENT PERSON WILL MAKE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL out of it. The unintelligent person suffers. If he has money he suffers because money brings worries; he does not enjoy the music that money can bring, the dance that money can bring, the painting. If he has money, he does not go to the Himalayas for a rest, to meditate and to sing and to shout in the valleys and to talk with the stars. He worries, loses his sleep, loses his appetite — he chooses the wrong when he has money. And this man, if somehow he becomes poor, by God’s grace if he becomes poor, then he suffers poverty. Then he is continuously worried that “I don’t have this and I don’t have that.” You have POVERTY! Enjoy it!
Love Is Its Foundation
I am creating here: a world of love. Love is its foundation.Become more and more loving… not for any particular reason.
Start enjoying the very phenomenon of love. Share whatsoever you can share. Don’t be miserly, don’t hoard, because the more you give, the more you have. The more you give, the more you get; the less you give, the less you have. And if you don’t give at all, you have simply an empty shell, hollow; there is nothing inside you.
OSHO: I Am the Rich Man’s Guru
Depression – The very Word is Meaningful
Depression – The very word is meaningful –
it says something is being pressed;
that is the meaning of depressed.
You are pressing something inside,
and when anger is pressed too much
it becomes sadness.
A meditator Needs No Personal Guidance
A meditator needs no personal guidance. A meditator, on the contrary, needs only one thing: the atmosphere of meditation. He needs other meditators; he needs to be surrounded by other meditators. Because whatever goes on happening within us is not only within us, it affects people who are close by. In this communion people are at different stages of meditation. To meditate with these people, just to sit silently with these people, and you will be pulled more and more towards your own intrinsic potentiality.”Osho
Accept yourself
Accept yourself, love yourself, you are God′s creation. God′s signature is on you and you are special, unique. Nobody else has ever been like you and nobody else will ever be like you; you are simply unique, incomparable. Accept this, love this, celebrate this – and in that very celebration you will start seeing the uniqueness of the others, the incomparable beauty of the others. Love is possible only when there is a deep acceptance of oneself, the other, the world. Acceptance creates the milieu in which love grows, the soil in which love blooms.