Meditation of the Week: Meditation is Witnessing

381196_341242029238525_929003522_nWatching is the key of meditation. Watch your mind. Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness.
Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain: you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, one thing is certain: you are not the flower, you are the watcher.


What is Heal Your Life?

3yplpb8Do you simply learn to “heal” illnesses, or areas of your body? What we meant here is based on the philosophy that all areas of our life where we faced issues with can be improved, or so-called healed, by uncovering the limiting beliefs or “blind spots” and find a resolution. Life does not need to be complicated.


Love has to rise in your heart.`

1231452_446437292137746_1103634386_nThe first ripple of love has to rise in your heart.`*`
“The healthy love of oneself is a great religious value. The person who does not love himself will not be able to love anybody else, ever. The first ripple of love has to rise in your heart. If it has not risen for yourself it cannot rise for anybody else, because everybody else is farther away from you. 

Profound awakening

1383595_463044670477008_118322672_nWe are all on the cutting edge of a profound awakening of consciousness for the planet. We can unite with our brothers and sisters throughout the world in unifying love. You are connected with every person on the planet and with all of Life. Life loves you! Let’s affirm: I am my own unique self. I accept others as they are, and they, in turn, accept me.

You want to be happy?

944146_595711180460973_1405580549_nIn that moment, start feeling a smile — not on your face but all over your being — and you will be able to. It is not a smile that comes on the lips; it is an existential smile that spreads just inside. Try and you will know what it is, because it cannot be explained. No need to smile with your lips on your face but just as if you are smiling from the belly, the belly is smiling.

The World Can Come To A Harmony


The world can come to a harmony if meditation is spread far and wide, and people are brought to one consciousness within themselves. This will be a totally different dimension to work with.  Up to now it was revolution. The point was society, its structure – it has failed again and again in different ways. Now it should be the individual, and not revolution, but meditation, transformation.


Why is it important to love yourself?

600_263243032Why is it important to love yourself?

Well, a lot of  people  think that loving yourself is selfish and narcissistic. What’s funny though is that true self-love can’t be narcissistic. Self-love is loving; narcissism is just selfishness, which is not loving. Self-love starts by giving love, attention and care to yourself, but if that is where we stop, then it stops being self-love.
